Web Survey Bibliography
Title Cell Phone Samples: Who Are We Missing?
Author Purcell, K., Best, J., Rainie, L., Horrigan, J.
Year 2006
Access date 13.05.2009
Access/Direct link
Year of publication2006
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations
Web survey bibliography - The American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) 61th Annual Conference, 2006 (17)
- Web-Based Surveys: Respondents vs. Nonrespondents; 2006; Uriell, Z. A., Rosenfeld, P., Schultz, R.
- Eye-Movement Analysis of a Web Survey; 2006; Redline, C. D., Hunfalvay,M., Lankford, C.
- Web-Based Consent Form Design: An Experiment with Two Populations; 2006; Crawford, S. D., Eisenberg, D., Wimsatt, L., Golberstein, E.
- Using Interactive Web-Based Maps; 2006; Sinibaldi, J., Showen, S., Crawford, S. D., Saltz, R.
- Boosting Response Rates: Are There Optimal Times to E-mail Respondents?; 2006; Wood, E. W., O'Brien, J., Levin, K., Heller, T. H.
- Cell Phone Samples: Who Are We Missing?; 2006; Purcell, K., Best, J., Rainie, L., Horrigan, J.
- Geographic Controls in a Cell Phone Sample; 2006; Fleeman, A., Estersohn, D.
- Cell Phones in List-Assisted, RDD Sample; 2006; Ivie, K., Pels, R., Zentrichova, D.
- Effects of Cell Phones in Land-Line Households; 2006; Lambries, D., Oldendick, R. W., Link, M. W.
- Mixed Modes and Mode Effects: Focus on the Web; 2006; Lewis, L., Zandberg, I., Kleiner, B.
- Web and Mail Surveys: A Mode Test; 2006; Stringfellow, V. L., Roman, A. M.
- Supplementing RDD Surveys with Web Data; 2006; Krotki, K.
- Respondent Mode Preference in a Multimode Survey; 2006; Selfa, L., Sederstrom, S.
- Using Filtered Questions to Improve Rating Scales; 2006; Myers, K.
- Is it Possible to Obtain Equivalent Answers to Scalar Questions in Web and Telephone Surveys?; 2006; Christian, L. M., Dillman, D. A., Smyth, J. D.
- Mail vs. Internet Surveys among Older Persons; 2006; Montenegro, X.
- Open-Ended Questions in Web and Telephone Surveys; 2006; Smyth, J. D., Dillman, D. A., Christian, L. M., McBride, M.