Web Survey Bibliography
Title Using Interactive Web-Based Maps
Author Sinibaldi, J., Showen, S., Crawford, S. D., Saltz, R.
Source The American Association for (AAPOR) 61th Annual Conference, 2006The American Association for (AAPOR) 61th Annual Conference, 2006The American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) 61th Annual Conference, 2006
Year 2006
Access date 13.05.2009
Access/Direct link
Year of publication2006
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations
Web survey bibliography - The American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) 61th Annual Conference, 2006 (17)
- Web-Based Surveys: Respondents vs. Nonrespondents; 2006; Uriell, Z. A., Rosenfeld, P., Schultz, R.
- Eye-Movement Analysis of a Web Survey; 2006; Redline, C. D., Hunfalvay,M., Lankford, C.
- Web-Based Consent Form Design: An Experiment with Two Populations; 2006; Crawford, S. D., Eisenberg, D., Wimsatt, L., Golberstein, E.
- Using Interactive Web-Based Maps; 2006; Sinibaldi, J., Showen, S., Crawford, S. D., Saltz, R.
- Boosting Response Rates: Are There Optimal Times to E-mail Respondents?; 2006; Wood, E. W., O'Brien, J., Levin, K., Heller, T. H.
- Cell Phone Samples: Who Are We Missing?; 2006; Purcell, K., Best, J., Rainie, L., Horrigan, J.
- Geographic Controls in a Cell Phone Sample; 2006; Fleeman, A., Estersohn, D.
- Cell Phones in List-Assisted, RDD Sample; 2006; Ivie, K., Pels, R., Zentrichova, D.
- Effects of Cell Phones in Land-Line Households; 2006; Lambries, D., Oldendick, R. W., Link, M. W.
- Mixed Modes and Mode Effects: Focus on the Web; 2006; Lewis, L., Zandberg, I., Kleiner, B.
- Web and Mail Surveys: A Mode Test; 2006; Stringfellow, V. L., Roman, A. M.
- Supplementing RDD Surveys with Web Data; 2006; Krotki, K.
- Respondent Mode Preference in a Multimode Survey; 2006; Selfa, L., Sederstrom, S.
- Using Filtered Questions to Improve Rating Scales; 2006; Myers, K.
- Is it Possible to Obtain Equivalent Answers to Scalar Questions in Web and Telephone Surveys?; 2006; Christian, L. M., Dillman, D. A., Smyth, J. D.
- Mail vs. Internet Surveys among Older Persons; 2006; Montenegro, X.
- Open-Ended Questions in Web and Telephone Surveys; 2006; Smyth, J. D., Dillman, D. A., Christian, L. M., McBride, M.