Web Survey Bibliography
The 2007 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS 2007) sampled from both the standard RDD sampling frame and the frame of cell phone numbers. A pilot test of the cell phone sample was conducted in 2006 and the findings of that study informed the design of the fullscale effort in 2007. This paper reports on the sampling and weighting of the 2007 survey. Four sampling issues are addressed. First is the allocation of the sample to the landline and cell phone frames, a topic that has received little attention in previous studies. Second, the allocation of the sample within a geographically stratified design is discussed. While the sample was allocated equally over the entire state in the 2005 pilot, it was allocated differentially by region in 2007 to support making estimates at the county level–a major CHIS objective. The paper explores if the intended effect was achieved. Finally, the ability to sample adults within a household when a cell phone is shared is discussed. The 2005 pilot suggested difficulties in sampling persons other than the person answering the cell phone, but was based on a very small sample. The 2007 larger sample will be more informative. Weighting RDD and cell samples together to form approximately unbiased estimates is a difficult task. The CHIS design screens out landline households in the cell phone sample to facilitate the estimation process. We discuss methods of weighting the combined samples to try to reduce the biases due to differential nonresponse in the two frames. The estimates at the county level, where the cell phone sample size might be very small, are also discussed.
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Web survey bibliography - WAPOR 61th Annual Conference, 2008 (55)
- Testing the Effects of Multiple Manipulations on Print and Online Survey Response Rates: Lessons Learned...; 2008; Bachman, M., Vaccaro, D.
- The Role of Cash Incentives in Online Panelist Motivations: Experimental Results on Unit Response and...; 2008; Taylor, E.
- ‘For Example’: How Different Example Types in Online Surveys Influence Frequency ; 2008; Berent, M., Krosnick, J. A.
- Validating Check-All and Forced-Choice Question in a Paper Survey of Provincial Park Campground Users...; 2008; Dyck, B., Moore, D.
- Measuring Attentiveness to Current Events in a Mixed Mode Experiment; 2008; Suls, R., Horowitz, J.
- Transitioning from Self-Reports to Self-Installed Electronic Audience Measurement; 2008; Trussell, N., Vanno, L., Matthess, E., Bailey, J., Link, M. W.
- The Role of New Technology and its’ Effect on Best Practices Methodology; 2008; Kendall, E.
- Rate of Response in Web-Based Data Collection as a Factor of Author of E-mail Invitation; 2008; Mitra, A.
- Graduate vs. Undergraduate Student Respondent Behavior Differences in Web Surveys; 2008; Showen, S., Eisenberg, D., Roe, D. J.
- Mode Effects and Non-Response Bias in an Undergraduate Student Satisfaction Survey: Results from a Randomized...; 2008; Beach, S., Musa, D., Beeson, P., Sparks, C.
- Worth the Weight?: The Benefits and Pitfalls in Applying Survey Weights to Web Surveys of College Undergraduates...; 2008; Bloom, J. D.
- Improving the Efficiency of Web Survey Experiments; 2008; Luks, S., Rivers, D.
- When Encouraging Looks Go Too Far: Using Virtual Humans to Understand the Role of Rapport in the Survey...; 2008; Foucault, B., Aguilar, J., Cassell, J., Miller, P. V.
- Social Cues Can Affect Answers to Threatening Questions in Virtual Interviews; 2008; Lind, L. H., Schober, M. F., Conrad, F. G.
- How Animated Agents Affect Responses in Open-Ended Interviews about Alcohol Use; 2008; Person, N. K.
- Virtual Interviews on Mundane, Non-Sensitive Topics: Dialog Capability Affects Response Accuracy More...; 2008; Conrad, F. G., Schober, M. F., Jans, M., Orlowski, R. A., Nielsen, D.
- Mall-Intercept vs. Online Panel: Does Sample Source for an Experimental Study Matter?; 2008; Lin, C. T. J.
- Representativeness in Online-Surveys Through Stratified Sample; 2008; Blasius, J.
- Comparing the Results of Probability and Non-probability Telephone and Internet Survey Data; 2008; Wang, R., Krosnick, J. A.
- Evaluating the Potential Contributions of a Web-based Convenience Sample to the Accuracy of a Probability...; 2008; Elliott, M. N., Haviland, A.
- “R U in the Network?!” Using Text Messaging Interfaces as Screeners for Working Cell Phone...; 2008; Buskirk, T. D., Rao, K., Callegaro, M., Arens, Z., Steiger, D. M.
- Sampling & Weighting Cell Phone Samples to Supplement RDD Surveys; 2008; Brick, J. M., Edwards, W. S., Lee, Sunghee
- Using the ESRC Question Bank: An Online Resource Developed for the Social Survey Research Community; 2008; Gibbs, J. C.
- Why Text Mine?; 2008; Parry, J., Tomashek, S.
- Internet Access Panels and Public Opinion and Attitude Estimates; 2008; Piekarski, L., Galin, M., Baim, J., Frankel, M. R., Augemberg, K., Prince, S.
- Combining Mail and Internet Methods to Conduct Household Surveys of the General Public: A New Methodology...; 2008; Dillman, D. A., Smyth, J. D., Christian, L. M., Oneill, A.
- Experiment on Use of Internet Cell Phone Only Panelists to Supplement RDD Samples; 2008; Turakhia, C., Schulman, M. A., Bohinsky, S.
- Evaluating Efficiency and Effectiveness of Cell Phone Samples; 2008; Sen, S., Zmud, J., Arce, C.
- Does the Inclusion of Mail and Web Alternatives in a Probability-Based Household Panel Improve the Accuracy...; 2008; Rookey, B. D., Dillman, D. A., Hanway, S.
- The “Professional Respondent” Problem in Web Surveys; 2008; Rivers, D.
- Predictors and Barriers to Collecting Data from Early Childhood Educators Using the Web; 2008; Caspe, M., Sonnenfeld, K., Meagher, C., Sprachman, S., Scaturro, G.
- The MacroPoll Wireless Experience: Development and Lessons Learned.; 2008; Austin, J. D., Zullwack, R., Dyer, A., Dayton, J. J.
- My Cell Phone’s Ringing, “Caller Unknown,” Now What? Usage Behavior Patterns Among...; 2008; Buskirk, T. D., Rao, K., Kaminska, O.
- Pilot Development of a Smartphone-Enabled Full-Probability Panel; 2008; Hill, C., Biemer, P. P., Coombs, D., Eyerman, J.
- A Test of Short versus Long Cell Phone Interviews; 2008; Jones, Je.
- Evaluating the Characteristics of Landline User’s Intention to Switch to Cell Phone Only Use for...; 2008; Sanderson, M., Immerwahr, S., Eisenhower, D., Konty, K.
- Coverage Bias in Surveys Excluding Cell Phone Only Adults: Evaluation of Bias and Effectiveness of Post...; 2008; Peytchev, A., Carley-Baxter, L. R., Black, M. L.
- Landline and Cell Phone Usage Patterns Among Young Adults; 2008; Currivan, D. B., Roe, D. J., Stockdale, J.
- Practical Steps to Conducting Cellular Telephone Surveys; 2008; Howes, C., DeBello, A., Wolter, K., Wooten, K.
- Health Policy Concerns and Policy Preferences: A Comparison of Landline RDD and Cell Phone Only (and...; 2008; Zukin, C., Cantor, J., Brownlee, S., Boyle, J.
- Measuring Health in RDD Surveys: Are Estimates that Exclude the Cell-Only Population Accurate?; 2008; Freedner, N., Holterman, L. A., Hannah, K.
- Does Including Cell-Only Households in an RDD Survey Change the Estimates? The Case of the American...; 2008; Bryant, B. E., Baker, R. P.
- The Effects of Excluding Cell-Only Respondents on Understanding Religion in the United States; 2008; Smith, G. A., Cox, D., Pond, A.
- Use of FedEx: Early, Late or Never?; 2008; Pope, D.
- When is the Best Time to Invite a Respondent? An Analysis of E-mail Invitation Timing and Response to...; 2008; Sinibaldi, J., Hansen, S. E.
- Instant Messaging: Applicability for Contacting Potential Web Respondents?; 2008; Cox, C. J., Harwood, P. G., Swanhart, M.
- E-mail and Postcard Invitation Designs to Maximize Web-Survey Responses Rates; 2008; Kaplowitz, M. D., Lupi, F., Couper, M. P., Thorp, L.
- Latent Class Modeling in Survey Methods: Estimation of the Cell Phone Only Population; 2008; Albaghal, M.
- Calculating Response Rates for Cell Telephone Surveys; 2008; Barron, M., Khare, M.
- Predicting Survey Bias in a Brave New Mobile World: Using the Behavioral Theory of Lifestyle Adoption...; 2008; Ehlen, P., Ehlen, J.