Web Survey Bibliography
Contemporary survey industry faces two highly challenging problems: declining response rates and growing costs of data collection. The (re-)balancing of data quality and costs thus presents one of the central research efforts of modern survey methodology. This became even more apparent with the rise of web surveys, which offered a new potential for the cost reductions. However, the problem of non-coverage and even lower response rates than in traditional survey modes are the key factors preventing a higher penetration of the web mode into official and academic research of the general population. Investigations of mixed-mode designs and mechanisms for improving response rates (like incentives) are thus very important for a cost-effective and high-quality survey data collection.
This paper presents the results of a study on the optimal integration of the web mode into a probability sample survey of the general population in Slovenia. For the purpose of the study, we conducted an experiment in Slovenian implementation of an official Eurostat survey on the ICT use in households using a mixed-mode design. A probability sample of Slovenian citizens was divided into several experimental groups, manipulating different survey modes (web, telephone and mail) and different types of incentives (5 euros cash incentive, a small gift or no incentive). Individuals were initially invited to complete the questionnaire on the web. Those who did not respond were subsequently contacted using one of the traditional modes (telephone or mail survey).
In order to identify the optimal survey design, we developed an optimization model that takes into account response rates, errors and costs at different stages of each experimental design. Errors are here estimated using the Mean Squared Error (MSE) approach. The paper evaluates the results obtained by the model and discusses the effectiveness of mixedmode surveys and incentives for achieving the optimal balance between errors and costs.
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Web survey bibliography - Vehovar, V. (46)
- Overview: Online Surveys; 2017; Vehovar, V.; Lozar Manfreda, K.
- Introduction Breakoffs, Questionnaire Breakoffs and Web Questionnaire Length: A Metastudy ; 2016; Cehovin, G.; Vehovar, V.
- Investigating respondent multitasking in web surveys using paradata; 2016; Sendelbah, A.; Vehovar, V.; Slavec, A.; Petrovcic, A.
- Identifying and correcting question-wording problems: the case of Wageindicator; 2015; Slavec, A., Vehovar, V., Tijdens, K. G.
- e-Social Science Perspective on Survey Process: Towards an Integrated Web Questionnaire Development...; 2015; Vehovar, V., Petrovcic, A., Slavec, A.
- Questionnaire length and breakoffs in web surveys: a meta study; 2014; Vehovar, V., Cehovin, G.
- WebSM Study: Overview of Features and Pricing of Software Packages in 2014; 2014; Vehovar, V., Cehovin, G.
- WebSM Study: Survey Software in 2014; 2014; Vehovar, V., Cehovin, G., Mocnik, A.
- Data quality of questions sensitive to social-desirability bias in web surveys; 2012; Lozar Manfreda, K., Zajc, N., Berzelak, N., Vehovar, V.
- WebSM Study: Survey software features overview ; 2012; Vehovar, V., Cehovin, G., Kavcic, L., Lenar, J.
- Costs and Errors in Fixed and Mobile Phone Surveys; 2012; Vehovar, V., Slavec, A., Berzelak, N.
- Web Survey Software; 2012; Berzelak, N., Vehovar, V., Slavec, A.
- Surveying general population: What types of experiments are further needed?; 2012; Vehovar, V., Berzelak, N.
- Web panels in Slovenia; 2012; Lenar, J., Vehovar, V.
- Web survey software; 2011; Slavec, A., Berzelak, N., Vehovar, V.
- Web Survey Process within the Concept of eSocial Sciences; 2011; Vehovar, V.
- Optimization of dual frame telephone survey designs; 2011; Slavec, A., Vehovar, V.
- Comments on the paper - Geetha Garib: Perceived diversity among employees; 2011; Vehovar, V.
- Nonresponse in Web Surveys ; 2011; Lozar Manfreda, K., Berzelak, N., Vehovar, V.
- Cost-Error Optimization Model for Mixed-Mode Surveys; 2009; Vehovar, V., Berzelak, N., Lozar Manfreda, K.
- Preference for Mobile Interview Surveys? Interplay of costs, errors and biases; 2009; Vehovar, V., Slavec, A.
- National readership surveys: Moving from probability face-to-face surveys to Internet panels; 2009; Vehovar, V., Slavec, A., Petric, I., Sargac, M.
- Empirical Evaluation of Web Survey Software Tools: Powerful or Friendly?; 2009; Vehovar, V., Berzelak, N., Lozar Manfreda, K., Horvat, T., Debevc, M.
- Optimising survey costs in mixed mode environment; 2009; Vehovar, V., Berzelak, N., Lozar Manfreda, K., Belak, E.
- Nonresponse Bias in Surveys; 2009; Bethlehem, J., Vehovar, V., Stoop, I., Schouten, B., Shlomo, N., Skinner, C., Montaquila, J.
- "Mobile phone surveys in mixed mode environment: Balancing costs and errors"; 2009; Vehovar, V.
- Mobile phone surveys in mixed mode environment; 2009; Vehovar, V.
- Probabilistic methods in surveys and offical statistics; 2008; Vehovar, V., Zaletel, M., Seljak, R.
- Internet surveys; 2008; Lozar Manfreda, K., Vehovar, V.
- What Can We Achieve With 5 Euros? Optimization of Survey Data Quality Using Mixed-Mode Approaches; 2008; Berzelak, N., Vehovar, V., Lozar Manfreda, K.
- Measuring ties on online forums; 2008; Ziberna, A., Vehovar, V., Jakulin, A.
- Nonresponse in web surveys within the context of survey errors and survey costs; 2008; Berzelak, N., Lozar Manfreda, K., Vehovar, V.
- Integration of the web into survey data collection: Balancing costs and errors; 2008; Vehovar, V., Berzelak, N., Lozar Manfreda, K.
- Optimization of costs and errors in mixed-mode surveys; 2008; Vehovar, V., Berzelak, N., Lozar Manfreda, K.
- Overview: Online Surveys; 2008; Vehovar, V., Lozar Manfreda, K.
- Measuring ego-centered social networks on the web: Questionnaire design issues ; 2008; Vehovar, V., Lozar Manfreda, K., Koren, G., Hlebec, V.
- The Impact of Cognitive and Computer Skills on Data Quality in Computer Assisted Self Administered Questionnaires...; 2008; Brecko, B. N., Vehovar, V.
- Internet surveys; 2008; Vehovar, V., Lozar Manfreda, K., Koren, G.
- The influence of mobile telephones on telephone surveys; 2008; Kuusela, V., Callegaro, M., Vehovar, V.
- Collecting Data on Ego-Centered Social Networks on the Web: Methodological Issues; 2004; Lozar Manfreda, K., Vehovar, V., Hlebec, V.
- Mode Effect in Web Surveys; 2002; Vehovar, V., Lozar Manfreda, K.
- Nonresponse in Web Surveys; 2002; Vehovar, V., Lozar Manfreda, K., , Batagelj, Z.
- Virtual Selves and Web Surveys; 2001; Lozar Manfreda, K., Couper, M. P., Vohar, M., Rivas, S., Vehovar, V.
- Nonresponse in Web Surveys; 1999; Vehovar, V.
- Internet v Sloveniji - Projekt RIS 1996-1998.; 1998; Vehovar, V.
- Handling "Don't Know" Survey Responses: The Case of the Slovenian Plebiscite; 1995; Rubin, D. B.; Vehovar, V.; Hal, S. S.