Web Survey Bibliography
Title The Collected Works of Robert M. Groves, 6 Book Set (Wiley Series in Survey Methodology)
Author Groves, R. M.
Source John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Year 2009
Access date 11.09.2009
Access/Direct link
Year of publication2009
Bibliographic typeBook
Full text availabilityNon-existant
Web survey bibliography - Groves, R. M. (18)
- Three Era's of Survey Research; 2011; Groves, R. M.
- Total Survey Error: past, present, and future; 2010; Groves, R. M., Lyberg, L. E.
- Research synthesis. AAPOR report on online panels; 2010; Brick, J. M., Baker, R., Blumberg, S. J., Couper, M. P., Courtright, M., Dennis, J. M., Dillman, D....
- Total Survey Error: Past, Present, Future; 2009; Groves, R. M.
- Use of Paradata to Manage a Field Data Collection; 2009; Groves, R. M., Axinn, W., Lepkowski, J. M., Kirgis, N., Mosher, W.
- The Collected Works of Robert M. Groves, 6 Book Set (Wiley Series in Survey Methodology); 2009; Groves, R. M.
- Survey Methodology (Wiley Series in Survey Methodology); 2009; Groves, R. M., Fowler, F. J., Couper, M. P., Lepkowski, J. M., Singer, E., Tourangeau, R.
- Experiments Exploring the Relationship (or Lack Thereof) Between Nonresponse Error and Measurement Error...; 2008; Tourangeau, R., Groves, R. M., Presser, S., Toppe, C., Kennedy, K., Yan, T.,
- Survey Respondent Incentives: Research and Practice; 2008; Groves, R. M., Harris-Kojetin, L., Kulka, R. A., Mooney, G.
- The Impact of Nonresponse Rates on Nonresponse Bias; 2008; Groves, R. M., Peytcheva, E.
- Experiments in Producing Nonresponse Bias ; 2006; Groves, R. M., Couper, M. P., Presser, S., Singer, E., Tourangeau, R., Piani Acosta, G., Nelson, Li.
- Telephone Survey Methodology; 2001; Groves, R. M., Biemer, P. P., Lyberg, L. E., Massey, J. T., Nicholls II, W. L., Waksberg, J.
- Survey Nonresponse; 2001; Groves, R. M., Dillman, D. A., Eltinge, J. L.
- Leverage-saliency theory of survey participation; 2000; Groves, R. M., Singer, E., Corning, A.
- Understanding the decision to participate in a survey; 1992; Groves, R. M.; Cialdini, R.B.; Couper, M. P.
- The Status of Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing: Part II. Data Quality Issues; 1986; Groves, R. M., Nicholls II, W. L.
- The Status of Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing: Part I - Introduction and Impact on Cost and...; 1986; Nicholls II, W. L., Groves, R. M.
- Surveys by telephone: a national comparison with personal interviews; 1979; Groves, R. M., Kahn, R. L.