Web Survey Bibliography
Previous research has demonstrated that respondents recognize the formal and graphical properties of a questionnaire. Among other aspect, the shape, proximity and color of response boxes have been identified as relevant characteristics (Couper et al., 2004; Christian et al.; 2007; Smyth et al., 2006).
With respect to open-ended text questions it was demonstrated that the size and the design of an input field to an open-ended text questions have a significant effect on the amount of information reported by Web survey respondents (Smyth et al., 2007). Larger input boxes evoke more information, also a segmented box (with lines) yields more input than a simple box. Based on these findings it has been theorized that respondents interpret the size of the response field as auxiliary information when searching for an answer to a survey question and when formatting the response. Thus, in addition to the question wording the formal characteristics of the response box are also of importance for the amount of information provided by the respondents.
Thus, it has been recommended that the size of the response field should reflect the desired amount of information. If a longer elaboration on a particular topic is expected from respondents a small input fields is less appropriate. However, if the response field is too large it may restrain respondents from answering since the large input box is perceived as a signal that a lot of details and text is expected which might overstrain them (resulting in item nonresponse). Thus, the optimal size of an input box to an open-ended text question is a trade-off of item non-response and the amount of information provided by those respondents who are actually answering the question.
Web survey bibliography - Fuchs, M. (33)
- Dynamic Instructions in Check-All-That-Apply Questions ; 2016; Kunz, T.; Fuchs, M.
- The Mobile Web Only Population: Socio-demographic Characteristics and Potential Bias ; 2016; Fuchs, M.; Metzler, A.
- The use and positioning of clarification features in web surveys; 2016; Metzler, A., Kunz, T., Fuchs, M.
- Recruiting Respondents for a Mobile Phone Panel: The Impact of Recruitment Question Wording on Cooperation...; 2015; Busse, B.; Fuchs, M.
- Nonresponse and Measurement Bias in Web surveys ; 2015; Metzler, A.; Fuchs, M.
- Positioning of Clarification Features in Open Frequency and Open Narrative Questions; 2015; Fuchs, M.; Metzler, A.
- Instant Interactive Feedback in Grid Questions: Reminding Web Survey; 2014; Kunz, T., Fuchs, M.
- Respondent Choice of Survey Mode; 2013; Fuchs, M.
- Using Eye Tracking Data to Understand Respondent's Processing of Rating Scales; 2013; Kunz, T., Fuchs, M.
- Dynamic Visual Design for List-Style Open-Ended Questions in Web Surveys; 2013; Fuchs, M.
- Using interactive feedback to enhance response quality in Web surveys. The case of open-ended questions...; 2013; Emde, M., Fuchs, M.
- Reducing Response Order Effects in Check-All-That-Apply Questions by Use of Dynamic Tooltip Instructions...; 2013; Kunz, T., Fuchs, M.
- Effects of Static versus Dynamic Formatting Instructions for Open-Ended Numerical Questions in Web Surveys...; 2012; Kunz, T., Fuchs, M.
- Exploring Animated Faces Scales in Web Surveys: Drawbacks and Prospects; 2012; Emde, M., Fuchs, M.
- Video enhanced web survey; 2011; Fuchs, M., Kunz, T., Gebhard, F.
- The Coverage Bias of Mobile Web Surveys; 2009; Fuchs, M.
- The Coverage Bias of Mobile Web Surveys Across European Countries ; 2009; Fuchs, M., Busse, B.
- Are people sharing their mobile phones? Selection probabilities in cellular telephone surveys; 2009; Fuchs, M., Busse, B.
- Is a cell phone really a personal device? Results from the first wave of a mobile phone panel on sharing...; 2009; Fuchs, M., Busse, B.
- Are Respondents Sharing their Mobile Phones? Preliminary results based on a mobile phone panel in Germany...; 2009; Fuchs, M.
- Dynamic feedback in open-ended questions: Experiments on the visual design language of Web surveys; 2009; Fuchs, M.
- The relative coverage bias caused by the mobile-only population across Europe; 2009; Fuchs, M.
- The Video-Enhanced Web Survey Data Quality and Cognitive Processing of Questions; 2009; Fuchs, M.
- Gender-of-Interviewer Effects in a Video-Enhanced Web Survey: Results from a Randomized Field Experiment...; 2009; Fuchs, M.
- Mobile web surveys: A preliminary discussion of methodological implications; 2008; Fuchs, M.
- Response Effects in Video-enhanced Web Surveys; 2008; Fuchs, M.
- The relative Coverage Error in Telephone Surveys caused by Mobile-Only Populations across Europe; 2008; Fuchs, M.
- Communicative Channels, Cognitive Processes and Question Understanding: Results from a Randomized Field...; 2008; Fuchs, M.
- Gender-of-Interviewer Effects in Video-Enhanced Web Surveys. Results from a Randomized Field-Experiment...; 2008; Fuchs, M.
- Using Audio and Video Clips in Web Surveys — Feasibility and Impact on Data Quality; 2007; Fuchs, M., Funke, F.
- Cognitive processes when answering online questionnaires; 2002; Fuchs, M.
- Cognitive processes in Web Surveys; 2002; Fuchs, M.
- Technology Effects: Do CAPI or PAPI Interviews Take Longer?; 2000; Fuchs, M., Couper, M. P., Hansen, S. E.