Web Survey Bibliography
Currently it is not possible to draw random samples from the general Internet population because there is no high quality sampling frame available. As a result most access panels consist of volunteer-opt-in samples. This can seriously hamper the results of surveys based on these samples. When under coverage of certain groups results in non-random missingness (non-MAR) the validity of the results could be seriously corrupted and selection bias will become apparent. It is not yet known, how to deal with selection bias in non- random samples, but since access panels are here to stay and are used more and more in research for policies and practices scientists have the obligation to study the phenomenon and search for solutions that will prevent against or correct for selection bias in access panels. Solutions can be methodological, i.e. aiming at the prevention of selection bias or statistical, i.e. aiming at adjustment techniques like weighting. This presentation will give a short overview of current streams of thinking on this problem, as an introduction to the presenters of the session on selection bias in panel research.
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Web survey bibliography - European survey research associaton conference 2009, ESRA, Warsaw (31)
- An experimental mixed mode design on a general population survey ; 2009; Eva, G.
- Presentation of a Single Item versus a Grid: Effects on the Vitality and Mental Health Scales of the...; 2009; Callegaro, M., Shand-Lubbers, J., Dennis, J. M.
- Survey Research in Virtual Worlds: Second Life R as a Research Platform; 2009; Hill, C., Dean, E.
- Elderly in an Internet panel, the quality of the data; 2009; Vis, C.
- Computer-Assisted Audio Recording (CARI): Repurposing a Tool for Evaluating Comparative Instrument Design...; 2009; Edwards, B., Hicks, W., Tourangeau, K., Harris-Kojetin, L., Moss, A.
- Do online translated questionnaires result in higher response rates for patient surveys?; 2009; Boyd, J., Davis, A.
- A comparison of two mixed mode designs: cati-capi and web-cati-capi; 2009; Beukenhorst, D., Wetzels, W.
- Comparison between Liss panel (web) and ESS data (face to face); 2009; Revilla, M., Saris, W. E.
- Is a cell phone really a personal device? Results from the first wave of a mobile phone panel on sharing...; 2009; Fuchs, M., Busse, B.
- Mobile Phone Surveys in Germany – Response rates and response behaviour; 2009; Hader, S., Schneiderat, G.
- Ethical Considerations in the Use of Paradata in Web Surveys; 2009; Couper, M. P., Singer, E.
- Interviewer voice characteristics and productivity in telephone surveys; 2009; Best, H., Bauer, G., Steinkopf, L.
- Standardized recall aids for online life course surveys; 2009; Glasner, T.
- The impact of forgiving wording and question context on social desirability bias in sensitive surveys...; 2009; Naher, A.- F., Krumpal, I.
- Interactive feedback can improve accuracy of responses in web surveys; 2009; Conrad, F. G., Couper, M. P., Tourangeau, R., Galesic, M.
- The influence of the field time on data quality in list-based Web surveys; 2009; Goeritz, A., Stieger, S.
- Online Analysis and Programmed Disclosure Risk Protection: New Access to Restricted-use Microdata; 2009; McFarland O’Rourke, J., Rush, S. H., Maxwell, C.
- Using the Available On-line Secondary Data in Education and Research Practice; 2009; Perek-Bialas, J.
- Nice portal! But where is the data . . . ? - Experiences of a data archive with offering online access...; 2009; Mauer, R.
- Making Use of Online Survey Documentation & Analysis; 2009; Terwey, M.
- Access to Survey Data on the Internet; 2009; Kolsrud, K.
- Individual Follow-up of the Target Population: the Plural Strategies of a Web Survey; 2009; Markou, E., de Cledat, B., Razafindratsima, N., Laurent, R., Issenhuth, P.
- The influence of selective nonresponse in the analysis of levels of annoyance and sleep disturbance...; 2009; Breugelmans, O.
- Motivating different groups: questionnaire topic and participation rates; 2009; Marchand, M.
- The Internet sample; 2009; Getka-Wilczynska, E.
- Selection bias in Internet panels: challenge or dead blow?; 2009; Lensvelt-Mulders, G. J.
- Presentation of WEBSURVNET; 2009; de Pedraza, P., Steinmetz, S., Tijdens, K.
- Telephone Survey and political behaviour estimates in 22 European countries: Evaluating the need for...; 2009; Hufken, V.
- Self-Selected Samples in Customer Satisfaction Surveys; 2009; Nicolini, G., Dalla Valle, L.
- What to do if Probability Sampling is Impossible in a Web Survey?; 2009; Markou, E., Razafindratsima, N., de Cledat, B., Issenhuth, P., Laurent, R.
- New Challenges in Sampling: Introduction; 2009; Laaksonen, S.