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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Representing Seniors in an Online National Probability Panel Survey: Measuring Technology Attitudes and Behaviors
Year 2010
Access date 30.06.2011

Representation of seniors is often a concern when considering an online panel to conduct research due to their lower access and use of the internet compared to other groups. Using data from KnowledgePanel®, a national probability-based web panel that provides internet access to non-internet households, we will present our analyses on the distinctive technology attitudes and behaviors of seniors compared to other age groups. Moreover, we will also present evidence that seniors provided internet access upon KnowledgePanel recruitment have distinctive technology attitudes and behaviors compared to seniors already having internet access. Nineteen percent of the adults in KnowledgePanel® are 65 years old and older, comparable to the Census benchmark of 17% for the U.S. population (July 2009 Current Population Survey data). We examined statistical differences across age groups in 15 technology-related attitude statements and identified significant differences between seniors and other age groups on all of these statements. Looking among seniors, we found that those seniors provided internet access upon agreeing to join KnowledgePanel expressed significantly less “pro-technology” sentiment on 12 of the 15 statements compared to those who had prior access. The final paper will present full results which will include an examination of differences across age groups in adoption of personal technologies such as cell phones and online media use. To measure the impact of panel membership on attitudes and behaviors, we will explore within-person
change over time on technology attitudes. KN fielded the same technology attitude items to our panelists beginning in November of 2008 and will again beginning in November of 2009. We expect to have results at both intervals for approximately 4,000 seniors. We will present changes to these measures over time, comparing seniors to younger groups, and seniors provided internet access to those already online prior to joining the panel.

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Year of publication2010
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations