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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Who are leaving our panel: panel attrition and personality traits
Year 2011
Access date 26.10.2011

Relevance & Research Question
Internet surveys are by far the fastest and cheapest way to gather data, but longitudinal data are also a rich and valuable source of information for researchers and policy makers. Combining the advantages of the Internet and of longitudinal data collection through panels, Internet panels are increasingly used. Much research has been done about the difficulties to reach people for an Internet panel (Feskens et al., 2006, 2007; Schmeets et al., 2003; Stoop, 2005; Vis & Marchand, 2011). However, these studies mainly focused on background variables such as age, social economic status, marital status and origin. This paper investigates the role different personality characteristics play in Internet panels.
Methods & Data
Our research is conducted in the CentERdata LISS panel, which combines a probability sample and traditional recruitment procedure with online interviewing. The panel consists of about 5000 households representative of the Dutch speaking population. A specialty of this panel is that people without Internet access are provided with the necessary equipment so that they are able to participate in the panel.
To investigate whether people with specific personality characteristics are more inclined to end their panel participation we use data from 2008, 2009 and 2010. More specifically, we look at whether people with specific characteristics of the Big V (measured by the 50 item IPIP questionnaire of Goldberg) are more inclined to leave the panel than others. In addition, we analyzed whether people with different personalities on survey attitude (consisting of items on survey enjoyment, survey value and survey burden) are more likely to stop participating. And finally, we look at the Inclusion of Others in the Self scale (Aron & Aron, 1992), which measures interpersonal closeness (and closeness to the panel).
Added Value
A lot of time, energy, and money is spent on building Internet panels. But what happens after that? This paper focuses on which personality traits play a role in panel attrition to optimize panel quality.

Access/Direct link

Conference Homepage (abstract) / (presentation)

Year of publication2011
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations

Web survey bibliography - General Online Research Conference (GOR) 2011 (17)