Web Survey Bibliography
This chapter explores the feasibility of collecting biomarkers in Internet surveys. First, we present an overview of biospecimens and biomarkers collected in population surveys. Second, we report the results of a pilot in the Netherlands to examine the feasibility of collecting blood cholesterol (n=200), saliva cortisol (n=200) and waist circumference (n=200) in the LISS Internet panel. Participation rates were 15.5% for cholesterol, 26.5% for waist circumference and 15.0% for diurnal salivary cortisol. Despite low response rates, participants were able to take measures using self-test devices guided by video instructions, and biomarker values corresponded with expected ranges and means. Collecting biomarkers in an Internet survey is potentially feasible, but strategies need to be developed to increase response and participation rates.
CentERdata (abstract)
Web survey bibliography - Scherpenzeel, A. (19)
- Tracking the Representativeness of an Online Panel Over Time ; 2016; Klausch, L. T.; Scherpenzeel, A.
- Informing panel members about study results; 2014; Scherpenzeel, A., Toepoel, V.
- Improving Survey Methods: Lessons from Recent Research; 2014; Engel, U., Jann, B., Lynn, P., Scherpenzeel, A., Sturgis, P.
- Random versus Systematic Error in a Mixed Mode Online-Telephone Survey; 2013; Hox, J., Scherpenzeel, A., Boeve, A., Boeve, A., de Leeuw, E. D.
- Mobility and Smartphones: a pilot study of travel data collection among experienced and inexperienced...; 2013; Douhou, S., Scherpenzeel, A.
- Does It Pay Off to Include Non-Internet Households in an Internet Panel? ; 2013; Leenheer, J., Scherpenzeel, A.
- Timing of Nonparticipation in an Online Panel: The effect of incentive strategies; 2013; Douhou, S., Scherpenzeel, A.
- Experiences from a probability-based Internet panel: Sample, recruitment and participation; 2013; Scherpenzeel, A.
- Recruiting A Probability Sample For An Online Panel: Effects Of Contact Mode, Incentives, And Information...; 2012; Scherpenzeel, A., Toepoel, V.
- Time use data collection using Smartphones: Results of a pilot study among experienced and inexperienced...; 2012; Scherpenzeel, A., Sonck, N., Fernee, H., Morren, Me.
- True Longitudinal and Probability-Based Internet Panels: Evidence from the Netherlands; 2011; Das, M., Scherpenzeel, A.
- Can biomarkers be collected in an Internet survey? A pilot study in the LISS panel; 2011; Avendano, M., Mackenbach, J., Scherpenzeel, A.
- Mode Effect or Question Wording? Measurement Error in Mixed Mode Surveys; 2011; de Leeuw, E. D., Hox, J., Scherpenzeel, A.
- Building an Online Immigrant Panel: Response and Representativity; 2011; Scherpenzeel, A.
- Start of the LISS panel: Sample and recruitment of a probability-based Internet panel ; 2009; Scherpenzeel, A.
- Effects of data collection technique on the quality of data: A MTMM study of CATI, CAPI and Online interviews...; 2009; Scherpenzeel, A.
- An online panel as a platform for multi-disciplinary research; 2008; Scherpenzeel, A.
- Online interviews and data quality: A multitrait-multimethod study ; 2008; Scherpenzeel, A.
- Pilot study to recruite a sample for an online panel: Effects of contact mode, incentives and information...; 2007; Scherpenzeel, A.