Web Survey Bibliography
(a) Relevance & Research Question:
The results of a number of studies comparing data collection via personal interviewing (CAPI) and self administered web surveys (CAWI) suggest that online data collection leads to more honest answers (e.g., Bronner/Kuijlen 2007; Duffy et al. 2005; Hoppe/Lamp 2001; Loosveldt/Sonck 2008; Marta-Pedroso et al. 2007). This is usually attributed to the absence of an interviewer in the online realm and the therefore lower tendency of respondents to answer questions in a manner that will be viewed favorably by others. However, to date no study has used a standardized scale to measure social desirability on an individual respondent level and assess its influence of on data quality in face-to-face and web surveys.
(b) Methods & Data:
In an experimental study respondents were either interviewed by an interviewer in person (n=402) or with a self-administered web questionnaire over the internet (n=387). Respondents for the face-to-face survey were recruited via quota sampling, the web survey was administered to members of an online panel using the same quotas. Among others respondents were asked about their attitudes towards different cultures, countries, and their citizens. Additionally, an adapted version of Paulus’ (1984) scale measuring impression management was used to assess the influence of social desirability on data quality.
(c) Results:
The results confirm that social desirability is less pronounced when respondents answer the questions in a self-administered web survey compared to an personal interview.
(d) Added Value:
The use of a standardized scale allows to test for the potential of social desirability as a moderator for mode effects.
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Web survey bibliography - Keusch, F. (21)
- Web Survey Gamification - Increasing Data Quality in Web Surveys by Using Game Design Elements; 2017; Schacht, S.; Keusch, F.; Bergmann, N.; Morana, S.
- The Impact of Response Scale Direction on Survey Responses in a Mixed-mode Survey ; 2016; Hu, M.; Yan, T.; Keusch, F.
- The Impact of Scale Direction, Alignment and Length on Responses to Rating Scale Questions in a Web...; 2016; Keusch, F.; Liu, M.; Yan, T.
- A Review of Issues in Gamified Surveys; 2015; Keusch, F.; Zhang, Che.
- Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 7: Results from Methodological Experiments; 2015; Blom, A. G.; Burton, J.; Booker, C. L.; Cernat, A.; Fairbrother, M.; Jaeckle, A.; Kaminska, O.; Keusch...
- Impact of response scale direction on survey responses in web and mobile web surveys; 2015; Yan, T.; Keusch, F.
- The Effects of the Direction of Rating Scales on Survey Responses in a Telephone Survey; 2015; Keusch, F., Yan, T.
- The Influence of Answer Box Format on Response Behavior on List-Style Open-Ended Questions; 2014; Keusch, F.
- Motives for joining nonprobability online panels and their association with survey participation behavior...; 2014; Keusch, F., Batinic, B., Mayerhofer, W.
- The Influence of Answer Box Format, Personal Topic Interest, and Respondent Characteristics on Response...; 2013; Keusch, F.
- The Direction of Rating Scales and Its Influence on Response Behavior in Web Surveys; 2012; Keusch, F.
- Open-ended Questions in Web Surveys: One Large vs. Ten Small Boxes; 2012; Keusch, F.
- The influence of social desirability on data quality in face-to-face and web surveys; 2012; Keusch, F.
- The influence of personality traits and motives for joining on participation behavior in online panels...; 2011; Keusch, F.
- Does the direction of Likert-type scales influence response behavior in web surveys?; 2011; Keusch, F.
- The Influence Of The Direction Of Likert-Type Scales In Web Surveys On Response Behavior In Different...; 2011; Keusch, F.
- Does Making The Survey Topic More Salient Lead To An Expert Bias? – The Influence of Announcing...; 2010; Keusch, F., Mayerhofer, W., Weilbuchner, N., Jungreithmaier, S.
- Online Access Panels: A detailed look at different Ways of Entering, their Costs and Participation Behavior...; 2010; Führer, R., Keusch, F.
- Can a professional questionnaire layout make up for a boring topic? The mediating role of topic interest...; 2010; Keusch, F., Mayerhofer, W., Jungreithmaier, S., Weilbuchner, N., Fuehrer, R., Kling, H.
- Maßnahmen zur Steigerung der Responserate bei listenbasierten Stichproben in Webbefragungen; 2009; Keusch, F.
- Increasing response rates in list based samples; 2009; Keusch, F., Kurz, H., Penzkofer, P.