Web Survey Bibliography
Humanized agents are often implemented in the user interfaces of computers as well as other devices (e.g., IKEA’s animated online assistant ‘Anna’ and the iPhone speech-based personal assistant ‘Siri’). This study explores the design of humanized agents that interact with respondents in a Web survey questionnaire. Specifically, the agent intervenes when respondents speed, i.e., answer too fast to provide high quality data. Although a few previous studies on this type of intervention reported positive impact on response quality, the evidence also suggests that some respondents may lack the motivation to comply with the intervention requests. We speculate that the intervention could be more effective if respondents treat the intervention as if it is from a human agent rather than simply feedback from the computer; the risk is this may introduce social desirability bias. To explore this, we examine four designs of the intervention for the speeding; in all cases respondents will be prompted and asked to re-consider their answers when their answers are faster than the pre-specified threshold. We manipulate the picture and the text to either be more human-like or feel more like a computer program. We also contrast how the intervention is presented – either on the subsequent survey screen or in a pop-up window – to test the hypothesis that the latter might help create the sense of an agent stepping into the data collection process; as a result, respondents might be more likely to respond socially to the intervention when it involves humanized cues. This study compares the four intervention designs on: 1) respondents’ compliance with the intervention, 2) their subsequent response effort in the survey, and 3) the social desirability of their answers to subsequent sensitive questions.
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Web survey bibliography - The American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) 67th Annual Conference, 2012 (50)
- Design of Web Questionnaires: Matrix Questions or Single Question Formats ; 2012; de Leeuw, E. D., Hox, J., Klausch, L. T., Roberts, A., de Jongh, A.
- Emerging Techniques of Respondent Engagement: Leveraging Game and Social Mechanics for Mobile Application...; 2012; Lai, J. W., Vanno, L.
- A Direct Comparison of Mobile Versus Online Survey Modes; 2012; Wells, T., Bailey, J., Link, M. W.
- The Reliability and Validity of Alternative Customer Satisfaction Measurement Scales in PC Web and Mobile...; 2012; Chrzan, K., Saunders, T.
- Nonresponse and Mode Effects in a Two-wave Randomized Mode Experiment; 2012; Beach, S., Musa, D.
- Question Order Effect: A Web Survey Experiment with Paradata; 2012; Ye, C., Tourangeau, R.
- Professional Respondents in Internet Panels: Who are They and What Do They Do to Our Data?; 2012; de Leeuw, E. D., Matthijsse, S.
- Using Text-to-Speech (TTS) for Audio-CASI; 2012; Couper, M. P., Kirgis, N., Buageila, S., Berglund, P.
- Using SMS Text Messaging To Collect Time Use Data; 2012; Brenner, P., DeLamater, J.
- A Shot in the Dark: Measurement Influence on Likelihood to Vaccination; 2012; Higgins, W. B., Thomas, R. K.
- Response Anchoring and Polarity Effects on Endorsement and Response Patterns; 2012; Higgins, W. B., Thomas, R. K.
- Update Your Status Lately? – Then Why Not Respond to Our Survey!; 2012; Borie-Holtz, D.
- Effects of Technical Difficulties on Item Nonresponse and Response Favorability in a Mixed-Mode Survey...; 2012; Gibson, J. L.
- Using Mixed-Mode Contacts to Facilitate Participation in Public Agency Client Surveys; 2012; Israel, G. D.
- Demonstration of the International Cross-Time, Cross-System Database; 2012; Miller, D.
- Telephone Status, Attitudes toward Participation in Future Surveys, and Willingness to Join a Local...; 2012; Beach, S., Musa, D.
- Where is Neutral? Using Negativity Biases to Interpret Thermometer Scores; 2012; Soroka, S., Albaugh, Q.
- I Got a Feeling: Comparison of Feeling Thermometers with Verbally Labeled Scales in Attitude Measurement...; 2012; Thomas, R. K., Bremer, J.
- Question or Mode Effects in Mixed-Mode surveys: A Cross-cultural study in the Netherlands, Germany,...; 2012; de Leeuw, E. D., Nicolaas, G., Campanelli, P., Hox, J.
- Using Online Panels for National Surveys of Low Incidence Populations: Findings from the CDC Influenza...; 2012; Boyle, J., Ball, S., Ding, H., Srinath, K. P., Euler, G.
- Using Probability-based On-line Samples to Calibrate Non-probability Opt-in Samples; 2012; DiSogra, C., Cobb, C. L., Chan, E., Dennis, J. M.
- Understanding Smartphone Usage to Take Web Surveys: A Cross Country Analysis; 2012; Stapleton, C.
- Scale Orientation, Number of Scale Points and Grids in Mobile Web Surveys; 2012; Chrzan, K., Saunders, T., Jue, A.
- Use of a 2nd Reminder Mailing, Quick Response Code and Optimized Mobile Survey to Increase Response...; 2012; Cantave, M. A., Gentry, R. J.
- The Effect on Differential Mailing Methodologies on Response Rates: Testing Advanced Notices, Package...; 2012; Pens, Y., Gentry, R. J.
- The River Flows: Comparison of Experimental Effect Replicability with Different Sample Sources; 2012; Thomas, R. K.
- Intensifying the Request: Results from an Experiment on Improving Internet Response Rates for Address...; 2012; Messer, B. L., Dillman, D. A.
- The Persistence of Attentiveness in Web Surveys: A Panel Study; 2012; Berinsky, A., Luks, S., Rivers, D.
- Designing Interactive Interventions in Web Surveys: Humanness, Social Presence and Data Quality; 2012; Zhang, Che.
- The Effect of Mode on Participant Responses to Qualitative Research in Virtual Worlds; 2012; Dipko, S., Billington, C., Brick, P. D.
- The Direction of Rating Scales and Its Influence on Response Behavior in Web Surveys; 2012; Keusch, F.
- Mixed-mode design and Mode Effect in Surveying Military Veterans; 2012; Wang, W., Morin, R., Parker, K.
- Assessing Measurement Equivalence and Bias of Questions in Mixed-mode Surveys Under Controlled Sample...; 2012; Klausch, L. T., Hox, J., Schouten, B.
- Maximizing Survey Participation for Retail Customers by Understanding Survey Mode and Incentive Preferences...; 2012; Cardador, J.
- How Likely?: Comparisons of Behavioral Intention Measurement Validity; 2012; Bremer, J., Thomas, R. K.
- Some Thoughts on a Framework for Statistical Inference from Nonprobability Samples; 2012; Santos, R.
- Addressed-Based Sampling - A Better Sample? Exploring the Benefits of Using Addressed-Based Sampling...; 2012; Ellis, J. M., Rexrode, D. L.
- Data Quality from Low Cost Data Collection Methodologies; 2012; Traugott, M. W.
- A Typology and Review of Web Evaluation Strategies; 2012; Wiggins, B., Romano Bergstrom, J. C., Turner, S.
- Drop-Off Point for Undergraduate Students on a Web-based Alcohol and Tobacco Use Questionnaire; 2012; Mitra, A.
- An Examination of the 2010 Census Be Counted Program and Its Effects on Census Coverage and Duplication...; 2012; Jackson, G. I., Wechter, K. M.
- Dual Frame Sample and Mixed Mode Survey Strategy for Improving Coverage Error; 2012; Tarnai, J., Pfingst, L., Solet, D.
- A Demonstration of a Multi-Platform Mobile Survey Application: SurveyPulseTM, by RTI International; 2012; Roe, D. J., Zhang, Yu., Keating, M.
- Turn that Frown Upside-Down: The Effects of Smiley Faces as Symbolic Language in Self-administered Surveys...; 2012; Libman, A., Smyth, J. D.
- To Weight, or Not to Weight, That is the Question: Survey Weights and Multivariate Analysis; 2012; Young, R., Johnson, D. R.
- Investigating the Impact of the Number of Grid Items on Web Survey Responses; 2012; Guo, F., Nunge, E.
- Effects of Progress Indicators on Short Questionnaires; 2012; Sedley, A., Callegaro, M.
- Open-ended Questions in Web Surveys: One Large vs. Ten Small Boxes; 2012; Keusch, F.
- Effects of Pagination on Short Online Surveys; 2012; Sedley, A., Callegaro, M.
- A Systematic Review of Studies Investigating the Quality of Data Obtained with Online Panels; 2012; Callegaro, M., Villar, A., Krosnick, J. A., Yeager, D. S.