Web Survey Bibliography
How to increase in a effective way survey response and retention rates in online panels is a burning issue.The research draws the attention to empirical evidence of phenomena that could be exploited in order to increase survey response, panel retention rates and data quality. The theory behind the methods for motivating people is considered. The level of reciprocity that the participant assigns to the relation is explored by estimating the degree of his trust in the inquirer and by evaluating if he sincerely complies with the norm of reciprocity in a 3 waves web-based pilot experiment carried out by the CASI Research Center at the University of Bergamo (Italy) within the PAADEL project (PAnel Agro-food and DEmographic in Lombardy). Results imply that stressing the reciprocity features of a relationship can’t increase survey response but can reduce panel attrition in web-based studies. The more respondents tend to lie, the less they are willing to participate in following panel waves. Furthermore the less inquirers enjoy the trust of people under investigations, the more panelists are likely to drop out and to non-respond. So two indices are proposed that can help panel managers to monitor the willingness to respond: the Pinocchio Ratio and the Candide Ratio. Nevertheless this study with the reported online experiments is not without limitations, since, for example, questionnaires were sent to all the members of a specific sub-population, thus it is not possible to extend the findings to the general population. The obtained outcomes seek further assessment in the early results of the forthcoming survey release, the fourth wave of the experiment, which is administered using the same questionnaire of the PAADEL representative households panel.
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Web survey bibliography - 6th Internet Survey Metodology Workshop 2012 (21)
- Design of CAWI Instruments for Social Surveys ; 2012; Blanke, K.
- Web Survey Software; 2012; Berzelak, N., Vehovar, V., Slavec, A.
- Surveying general population: What types of experiments are further needed?; 2012; Vehovar, V., Berzelak, N.
- Psychometric properties of an internet administered version of the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability...; 2012; Vesteinsdottir, V., Reips, U.-D., Joinson, A. N., Porsdottir, F.
- Enhancing Web Surveys With New HTML5 Input Types; 2012; Funke, F.
- Mobile Survey Participation Rates in Commercial Market Research: A Meta-Analysis; 2012; Bosnjak, M., Poggio, T., Becker, K. R., Funke, F., Wachenfeld, A., Fischer, B.
- Research design for studying online communities with web surveys; 2012; Petrovcic, A., Petric, G., Lozar Manfreda, K.
- “What a waste of time!” vs “Why not participate?” On sentiments by business...; 2012; Torres van Grinsven, V., Snijkers, G., Daas, P.
- Case study: Respondent perspective on survey response; 2012; Jarrett, C.
- Effect of different stimulus on data quality in online panels; 2012; Zagar, S., Lozar Manfreda, K.
- The German Internet Panel: First Results from the Recruitment Phases; 2012; Blom, A. G.
- Panel retention rate and data quality: experimental results drawing on Reciprocity design; 2012; Biffignandi, S., Artaz, R.
- Analysis of coverage bias for the implementation of web surveys in Spain; 2012; de Pedraza, P., Serrano, F.
- Web panels in Slovenia; 2012; Lenar, J., Vehovar, V.
- Presidential Elections in Iceland 2012 – Did online panel surveys give false hope to new candidates...; 2012; Jonsdottir, G. A., Dofradottir, A. G., Bjornsdottir, A. E.
- Website exit surveys. What can we measure with them?; 2012; Andreadis, I.
- Challenges and pitfalls of measuring wages via web surveys - some explorations; 2012; Steinmetz, S., Bianchi, A., Tijdens, K., Biffignandi, S.
- Adaptation of Cognitive Interviews for Web; 2012; Mohorko, A., Hlebec, V.
- The Usage of a Cloud Service as an Effective Way of Sharing Cognitive and Usability Test Information; 2012; Rouhunkoski, J., Godenhjelm, P.
- Database Lookup in Web Surveys; 2012; Couper, M. P., Zhang, C., Conrad, F. G., Tourangeau, R.
- Time use data collection using Smartphones: Results of a pilot study among experienced and inexperienced...; 2012; Scherpenzeel, A., Sonck, N., Fernee, H., Morren, Me.