Web Survey Bibliography
Title Computation of Survey Weights: Bridging Theory and Practice
Author DeBell, M.
Source Paper presented at conference: The Future of Survey Research: Challenges and Opportunities, 2012
Year 2012
Access date 24.04.2013
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Conference Homepage (presentation) / (transcript)
Year of publication2012
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations
Web survey bibliography - DeBell, M. (5)
- Computation of Survey Weights: Bridging Theory and Practice; 2012; DeBell, M.
- User’s Guide to the Advance Release of the 2008-2009 ANES Panel Study ; 2009; DeBell, M.; Krosnick, J. A.; Lupia, A.; Roberts, C.
- Attrition in a Face-to-Face Recruited Internet Panel with Substantial Incentives; 2009; Malka, A., Krosnick, J. A., Ackermann, A., Debell, M., Turakhia, C.
- Lessons Learned About How to Accomplish Effective In- Person Recruitment of a Web-Equipped Survey Panel...; 2009; Ackermann, A., Krosnick, J. A., Turakhia, C., Debell, M., Malka, A., Jarmon, R.
- An implementation of a within-household selection procedure for web surveys; 2008; Callegaro, M., Osborn, L., Debell, M., Leuvano, P.