Web Survey Bibliography
In this paper we explore the nature and causes of individual differences in the use of feeling thermometer items to evaluate social groups. Some respondents have a general tendency to assign higher overall temperature readings and some tend to use a wider range of the temperature scale. These tendencies are partially understandable in terms of the respondent's evaluations of socil groups, but other important predictors are identified. Methods of adjusting feeling thermometer scores to account for individual differences are explored, using data from the 1984 American National Election Study. The conclusion is that some sort of adjustment is probably useful for those studying supporters ofconservative groups, though such a procedure may not be needed for those who focus on liberal groups.
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Web survey bibliography (4086)
- Some like it hot. Individual differences in responses to group feeling thermometers; 1989; Wilcox, C., Sigelman, L., Cook, E.
- Customer satisfaction research using disks-by-mail; 1989; Zabdan, P., Frost, L.
- The Effects of Appeals, Anonymity, and Feedback on Mail Survey Response Patterns from Salespeople; 1989; Pradeep, K. T.
- Survey of procedures to control extreme sampling weights; 1988; Potter, F.
- Priming and communication: Social determinants of information use in judgments of life satisfaction; 1988; Strack, F., Martin, L. L., Schwarz, N.
- CATI Instrument Logical Structures: An Analysis With Applications; 1988; Futterman, M.
- Response Effects in Computer-Administered Questioning; 1988; Liefeld, J. P.
- Optimal Call Scheduling for a Telephone Survey ; 1987; Weeks, M. F., Kulka, R. A., Pierson, S. A.
- Rating scales can influence results; 1986
- Sampling Rare Populations; 1986; Kalton, G., Anderson, D.W.
- Interpreting interpersonal behavior: The effects of expectancies; 1986; Jones, E. E.
- College sophomores in the laboratory: Influences of a narrow data base on social psychology's view...; 1986; Sears, D. O.
- The Status of Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing: Part II. Data Quality Issues; 1986; Groves, R. M., Nicholls II, W. L.
- The Status of Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing: Part I - Introduction and Impact on Cost and...; 1986; Nicholls II, W. L., Groves, R. M.
- Questionnaire Design Activities in Government Statistics Offices; 1985; Sudman, S., Cowan, C. D.
- Cognitive science and survey methods; 1984; Tourangeau, R.
- Category ratings and the relational character of judgment; 1983; Parducci, A.
- Effect on Weighting Adjustments on Estimates From a Random-digit-dialed Telephone Survey; 1982; Botman, S.L.; Massey, J. T.; Shimizu, I.M.
- Asking questions: A practical guide to questionnaire design; 1982; Sudman, S., Bradburn, N. M.
- Application of multi-attribute utility theory to measure social preferences for health states; 1982; Torrance, G. W., Boyle, M. H., Horwood, S. P.
- Question & answers in attitude surveys. Experiment of question form, wording, and context; 1981; Schuman, H., Presser, S.
- Label versus position in rating scales; 1981; Friedman, H., Leefer R., J.
- Surveys by telephone: a national comparison with personal interviews; 1979; Groves, R. M., Kahn, R. L.
- Evaluation of the Feeling Thermometer. A Report to the National Election Study Board based on data from...; 1979; Weisberg, H. F., Miller, A. H.
- Generalizing Mail SurveyInducement Methods: Population Interactionswith Anonymity and Sponsorship; 1979; Jones, W. H.
- Applied Sampling (Quantitative studies in social relations); 1976; Sudman, S.
- Logic and conversation; 1975; Grice, P. H.
- Response effects in surveys: A review and synthesis; 1974; Sudman, S., Bradburn, N. M.
- On Sampling of Very Rare Human Populations; 1972; Sudman, S.
- Some reflections on consumer panels; 1969; Hill, R. W.
- A theory of organization and change within value-attitude systems; 1968; Rokeach, M.
- The Norm of Reciprocity: A Preliminary Statement; 1960; Gouldner, A.W.
- A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe; 1952; Horvitz, D. G., Thompson, D. J.
- The art of asking questions; 1951; Payne, S.
- Gauging public opinion; 1944; Cantril, H.
- Recent trends in the development of market research; 1936