Web Survey Bibliography
Cognitive interviewing can identify potential errors in a survey prior to a large data collection effort allowing researchers to effectively pretest a draft survey instrument. Digital technologies afford researchers the opportunity to overcome geographic and logistical limitations of conducting these interviews with a diverse sample. The convenience of interviewing participants online includes reduced travel time and the ability to schedule interviews outside of normal business hours, reducing participant burden with certain populations including online users. The Second Life population was of interest to researchers in this study. Second Life is a virtual world where users self-represent through avatars. Purposes of play include socializing, entertainment and education. New technologies such as the virtual world Second Life and the voice-overinternet software Skype were utilized to conduct cognitive interviews pretesting a draft instrument on virtual world avatar similarity. A series of questions asked participants to describe several physical and personality characteristics of both themselves and their avatars. The goal of this questionnaire was to determine the extent to which SL users viewed their avatars as similar to their real life counterparts. Interviews were conducted in three modes: Second Life, Skype and face-to-face. To determine the feasibility of conducting cognitive interviews digitally, analyses were conducted to compare data quality across each mode; analyses identified the number, type and severity of errors detected. Preliminary findings suggest that interviews conducted in Skype and Second Life yield, on average, the same number of errors. Comparison data are presented from all three modes. Second Life and Skype can be used to conduct cognitive interviews with a sample of online participants, though each mode has its own consideration and limitations for study design and implementation. These implications are discussed and recommendations explored for researchers interested in other digital cognitive interviewing modes.
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Web survey bibliography - The American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) 68th Annual Conference, 2013 (88)
- An Examination of the Relationship Between Pretest Method Results and Data Quality; 2013; Maitland, A.
- Associations Between Interactional Indicators of Problematic Questions and Systems for Coding Question...; 2013; Dykema, J., Schaeffer, N. C., Garbarski, D.
- Evaluation of a Sequential Mixed-Mode Design Experiment with Physicians on Response Rates, Costs, and...; 2013; Geisen, E., Olmsted, M. G., Murphy, J., Stanley, M.
- When We Do Not Know the Difference – the Level of DK in Different Question Formats and Different...; 2013; Schwarzer, S., Zeglovits, E., Connor, D. S.
- Factors Influencing Survey Participation Rates on an Online, Probability-Based Research Panel; 2013; Wiest, D.
- Effects of Self-Awareness on Disclosure During Skype Survey Interviews; 2013; Feuer, S., Schober, M. F.
- The Effect of Differential Mailing Methodologies on Response Rates: Testing Advanced Notices, Pre-Recorded...; 2013; Pens, Y., Cantave, M. A., Gentry, R. J.
- The Influence of Respondent Incentives on Item Nonresponse and Measurement Error in a Web Survey; 2013; Felderer, B., Kreuter, F., Winter, J.
- A Multi-Survey, Multi-Methodological Assessment of Perception of Need and Quality of Life: Opinion Polling...; 2013; Levy, D.,
- Eliminate Item Non-Response: The Effect of Forcing Respondents to Answer in Web Surveys; 2013; Leach, L. M.
- The Influence of Answer Box Format, Personal Topic Interest, and Respondent Characteristics on Response...; 2013; Keusch, F.
- Using Motivating Prompts to Increase Responses to Open-ended Questions in Mixed-mode Surveys: Where...; 2013; Israel, G. D.
- How Open Are We to the Open-Ended Questions?; 2013; Mamedova, S.
- Will Snowball Sampling Leave Your Data in the Cold?; 2013; Cavallaro, K.
- Panel Attrition: Separating Stayers, Sleepers and Other Types of Drop-Out in an Internet Panel; 2013; Lugtig, P. J.
- Building a History: Collecting Comprehensive Employment Data in a Web-Based, Multi-Mode Survey; 2013; Cominole, M., Bennett, C., Caves, L.
- Augmenting Paper Diaries With Phone and Web Data Retrieval: Is it Effective?; 2013; Wargelin, L., Minser, J., Homer, Z., Fleeman, A., ZuWallack, R. S.
- Alone in a Group: Comparison of Effects of a Group-Administered Paper-Pencil Survey Versus an Individually...; 2013; Higgins, W. B., Barlas, F. M., Pflieger, J., Thomas, R. K., Jeffery, D., Mattiko, M.
- The Effect of Survey Mode on Socially Undesirable Responses to Open Ended Questions: Online vs. Paper...; 2013; Hedberg, E., Ceasar, G., Wallace, D.
- Mode Effects in a National Establishment Survey; 2013; Daley, K., Phillips, B. T.
- Cognitive Interviewing in Online Modes: a Comparison of Data Collected in Second Life and Skype; 2013; Swicegood, J. E., Head, B., Dean, E., Keating, M.
- Mobile Browser Web Surveys: Testing Response Rates, Data Quality and Best Practices; 2013; McGeeney, K., Marlar, J.
- Comparing Tablet, Computer, and Smartphone Survey Administrations; 2013; Wells, T., Bailey, J., Link, M. W.
- Speeding and Non-Differentiation in Web Surveys: Evidence of Correlation and Strategies for Reduction...; 2013; Zhang, Che.
- Use of Drag-and-Drop Rating Scales in Web Surveys and Its Effect on Survey Reports and Data Quality; 2013; Kunz, T.
- Effects of Respondent Reluctance, Mode, and Technical Difficulties on Straight- Lining and Refusals...; 2013; Gibson, J. L., Mendelson, J.
- The Relations Among Different Cognitive Shortcuts in Surveys; 2013; Tourangeau, R., Medway, R., Presser, S.
- Differential Incentives in a Dual Mode Survey of Health Care Providers; 2013; Roff, B., Barrett, K.
- Effects of Displaying Videos on Measurement in a Web Survey; 2013; Mendelson, J., Gibson, J. L., Romano Bergstrom, J. C.
- The Effect of Attempting to Recruit Respondents to a Web-Based Diary on Overall Response Rate; 2013; Cantave, M. A. Gentry, R. J.
- Watch Your Language!: The Impact of the Survey Language on Bilingual Hispanics’ Response Process...; 2013; Ay, M., Gross, W., Cobb, C. L., Thomas, R. K.
- Estimation of Expected Academic Engagement Behaviors: The Use of Vague Quantifiers Versus Tallied Responses...; 2013; Cole, J.
- Self-Reported Participation in Research Practices Among Survey Methodology Researchers; 2013; Perez-Vergara, K., Smith, C., Lowenstein, C., Ozonoff, A., Martins, Y.
- Changing of the Guard: Effects of Different Self-Administered Survey Modes on Sensitive Questions; 2013; Barlas, F. M., Higgins, W. B., Pflieger, J., Thomas, R. K., Jeffery, D., Mattiko, M.
- Estimating Measurement Effects of Survey Modes From Between and Within Subject Designs; 2013; Klausch, L. T., Hox, J., Schouten, B.
- Web Versus Outbound: A Mode Face-Off Following the Presidential Debate; 2013; Marlar, J.
- Innovative Retention Methods in Panel Research: Can SmartPhones Improve Long-Term Panel Participation...; 2013; Dayton, J. J., Dyer, A.
- Predicting Survey Breakoff in Internet Survey Panels; 2013; Al Baghal, T., McCutcheon, A. L., Tsabutashvili, D.
- Using GIS to Target Address-Based Samples of Households for a Web (vs. Mail) Response: Evidence from...; 2013; Messer, B. L.
- Is Pushing the General Public to the Web in Address-Based Samples Cost Effective?; 2013; Lesser, V. M.
- Effects of Survey Sponsorship on Internet and Mail Response: Using Address- Based Sampling; 2013; Edwards, M. L.
- Grid Formats, Data Quality, and Mobile Device Use: A Questionnaire Design Approach; 2013; McClain, C., Crawford, S. D.
- Can Embedded Help Text Links in Web Survey Items Improve Data Quality?; 2013; Janson, N., Bennett, C., Caves, L., Cominole, M., Shepherd, B., Wine, J.
- Using the iPad as a Prize-Based Incentive to Boost Response Rates: A Case Study at Brigham Young University...; 2013; McClendon, R., Olsen, D.
- Can Google Consumer Surveys Help Pre-Test Alternative Versions of a Survey Question?: A Comparison of...; 2013; Stern, M. J., Welch, W. W.
- Online Panels: Recruitment Based on “Hot Topics” – What are the Consequences?; 2013; Andreasson, M., Martinsson, J.
- Social Network Analysis and Survey Response: How Facebook Data Can Supplement Survey Data; 2013; Sage, A.
- Surveywalls: A Breakthrough for Survey Customers or DIY Run Amok?; 2013; Wells, T., Dean, E., Rao, K., Murphy, J., Roe, D. J.
- Examining the Effects of Interventions to Obtain Participation via Less Expensive Modes: Results from...; 2013; Harris-Kojetin, L., Sengupta, M., Hobbs, M., Greene, A.
- Evaluating the Effect of a Non-Monetary Incentive in a Nationally Representative Mixed-Mode Establishment...; 2013; Sengupta, M., Harris-Kojetin, L., Hobbs, M., Greene, A.