Web Survey Bibliography
Audio-enhanced computer-assisted self-interviewing (ACASI) has several advantages over computer-assisted self-interviewing without audio enhancement (CASI). Being able to listen to sound files of questions and answer options while proceeding through a questionnaire can increase interest in the survey, improve comprehension of survey questions and considerably lessen the burden of a self-administered interview, especially on target populations with reading difficulties. In addition, it has been argued that ACASI reduces social desirability bias. One problem in implementing ACASI is the lack of affordable and easily accessible software solutions supporting it. This paper introduces an ACASI module for the open-source software LimeSurvey. The module supports the commonest question types, can be integrated into existing installations of LimeSurvey with only minor effort and is available from the authors, free of charge.
Web survey bibliography - Survey Methods: Insights from the field (8)
- What do web survey panel respondents answer when asked “Do you have any other comment?”; 2015; Schonlau, M.
- A Free Audio-CASI Module for LimeSurvey; 2015; Beier, H.; Schulz, S.
- Self-identification of occupation in web surveys: requirements for search trees and look-up tables ; 2015; Tijdens, K. G.
- Data Collection Mode Effects On Political Knowledge; 2014; Liu, M., Wang, Y.
- Does the Choice of Header Images influence Responses? Findings from a Web Survey on Students’...; 2014; Barth, A.
- The impact of contact effort on mode-specific selection and measurement bias; 2014; Schouten, B., van der Laan, J., Cobben, F.
- A Comparison of Results from a Spanish and English Mail Survey: Effects of Instruction Placement on...; 2013; Wang, K., Sha, M.
- Research Note: Reducing the Threat of Sensitive Questions in Online Surveys?; 2013; Couper, M. P.