Web Survey Bibliography
Title What drives the participation in a monthly research web panel? The experience of ELIPSS, a French random web panel in the general population
Author Legleye, S; Cornilleau, A.; Razakamanana, N.
Year 2016
Access date 06.03.2016
Presentation pdf (593 KB)
Access/Direct link Homepage - conference (Abstract) / (Presentation)
Year of publication2015
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations
Web survey bibliography (4086)
- Web Health Monitoring Survey: A New Approach to Enhance the Effectiveness of Telemedicine Systems; 2017; Romano, M. F.; Sardella, M. V.; Alboni, F.
- Gathering Opinions on Depression Information Needs and Preferences: Samples and Opinions in Clinic Versus...; 2017; Bernstein, M. T.; Walker, J. R.; Sexton, K. A.; Katz, A.; Beatie, B. E.
- Oversampling as a methodological strategy for the study of self-reported health among lesbian, gay and...; 2017; Anderssen, N.; Malterud, K.
- Device and Internet Use among Spanish-dominant Hispanics: Implications for Web Survey Design and Testing...; 2017; Trejo, Y. A. G.; Schoua-Glusberg, A.
- Utjecaj vizualne orientacije skale za odgovaranje i broja stranica web-upitnika na rezultate ispitivanja...; 2017; Malikovic, M.; Svegar, D.; Somodzi, S.
- How to Design a Web Survey Using Spring Boot With MYSQL: a Romanien Network Case Study; 2017; Bucea-Manea-Tonis, Ro.; Bucea-Manea-Tonis, Ra.
- Analyzing Survey Characteristics, Participation, and Evaluation Across 186 Surveys in an Online Opt-...; 2017; Revilla, M.
- Careless Response and Attrition as Sources of Bias in Online Survey Assessments of Personality Traits...; 2017; Meade, A. W.; Ward, M. K.; Alfred, C. M.; Pappalardo, G.; Stoughton, J. W.
- Using Mixed Methods to Research the Professional Development Needs of English Teacher Educators in PCET...; 2017; Eliahoo, R.
- Do Incentives Increase Response Rates to an Internet Survey of American Evaluation Association Members...; 2017; Wilson, L. N.
- Examining Completion Rates in Web Surveys via Over 25,000 Real-World Surveys; 2017; Liu, M.; Wronski, L.
- Data collection mode differences between national face-to-face and web surveys on gender inequality...; 2017; Liu, M.
- Improving survey response rates: The effect of embedded questions in web survey email Invitations; 2017; Liu, M.; Inchausti, N.
- An experimental comparison of web-push vs. paper-only survey procedures for conducting an in-depth health...; 2017; McMaster, H. S.; LeardMann, C. A.; Speigle, S.; Dillman, D. A.
- Demographic Question Placement: Effect on Item Response Rates and Means of a Veterans Health Administration...; 2017; Teclaw, R.; Price, M.; Osatuke, K.
- Effects of Applying Multimedia and Dialogue Box to Web Survey Design; 2017; Chen, H.
- Role of online survey tools in creating temporally accurate Environmental Product Declarations (EPD)...; 2017; Ganguly, I.; Bowers, T.; Pierobon, F.; Eastin, I.
- A test of sample matching using a pseudo-web sample; 2017; Chatrchi, G., Gambino, J.
- A Partially Successful Attempt to Integrate a Web-Recruited Cohort into an Address-Based Sample; 2017; Kott, P. S., Farrelly, M., Kamyab, K.
- Nonprobability sampling as model construction; 2017; Mercer, A. W.
- Comparing acquiescent and extreme response styles in face-to-face and web surveys; 2017; Liu, M.; Conrad, F. G.; Lee, S.
- Comparison of response patterns in different survey designs: a longitudinal panel with mixed-mode and...; 2017; Ruebsamen, N.; Akmatov, M. K.; Castell, S.; Karch, A.; Mikolajczyk, R. T.
- Mobile Research im Kontext der digitalen Transformation; 2017; Friedrich-Freksa, M.
- Kognitives Pretesting; 2017; Neuert, C.
- Grundzüge des Datenschutzrechts und aktuelle Datenschutzprobleme in der Markt- und Sozialforschung; 2017; Schweizer, A.
- Survey mode influence on patient-reported outcome scores in orthopaedic surgery: telephone results may...; 2017; Hammarstedt, J. E.; Redmond, J. M.; Gupta, As.; Dunne, K. F.; Vemula, S. P.; Domb, B. G.
- Marketing survey research best practices: evidence and recommendations from a review of JAMS articles...; 2017; Hulland, J.; Baumgartner, H.; Smith, K. M.
- Comparative analysis of a mobile device and paper as effective survey tools; 2017; Kim, K. J.; Bae, S.; Park, E.
- Enhancing survey participation: Facebook advertisements for recruitment in educational research; 2017; Forgasz, H.; Tan, H.; Leder, G.; McLeod, A.
- Determinants of polling accuracy: the effect of opt-in Internet surveys; 2017; Sohlberg, J.; Gilljam, M.; Martinsson, J.
- Virtual reality meets sensory research; 2017; Depoortere, L.
- Data chunking for mobile web: effects on data quality; 2017; Lugtig, P. J.; Toepoel, V.
- The Failure of the Polls: Lessons Learned from the 2015 UK Polling Disaster; 2017; Sturgis, P.
- Online customer journey analysis: a data science toolbox; 2017; Bonnay, D.
- Article Establishing an Open Probability-Based Mixed-Mode Panel of the General Population in Germany...; 2017; Bosnjak, M.; Dannwolf, T.; Enderle, T.; Schaurer, I.; Struminskaya, B.; Tanner, A.; Weyandt, K.
- PC, phone or tablet? Use, preference and completion rates for web surveys ; 2017; Brosnan, K.; Gruen, B.; Dolnicar, S.
- Comparing data quality and cost from three modes of on-board transit surveys ; 2017; Agrawal, A. W.; Granger-Bevan, S.; W.; Newmark, G. L.; Nixon, H.
- Web survey experiments on matrix questions; 2017; Liu, M.
- Web- and Phone-based Data Collection using Planned Missing Designs; 2017; Revelle, W.; Condon, M. D.; Wilt, J.; French, A. J.; Brown, A.; Elleman, G. L.
- Finding and Investigating Geographical Data Online; 2017; Martin, D.; Cockings, S.; Leung, S.
- CAQDAS at a Crossroads: Affordances of Technology in an Online Environment; 2017; Silver, C.; Bulloch, L. S.
- Online Focus Groups; 2017; Abrams, M. K.; Gaiser, T. J.
- Artificial Intelligence/Expert Systems and Online Research; 2017; Brent, E.
- Improving the Effectiveness of Online Data Collection by Mixing Survey Modes; 2017; Dillman, D. A.; Hao, F.; Millar, M. M.
- Online Survey Software; 2017; Kaczmirek, L.
- Online Survey Design; 2017; To, N.
- Sampling Methods for Online Surveys; 2017; Fricker, R. D.
- Research Design and Tools for Online Research; 2017; Hewson, C. M.
- Overview: Online Surveys; 2017; Vehovar, V.; Lozar Manfreda, K.
- Three Methods for Occupation Coding Based on Statistical Learning; 2017; Geweon, H.; Schonlau, L.; Blohum, M.; Steiner, St.