Web Survey Bibliography
Title Methods for Detecting Telescoping Error in a Cross- sectional Web Design Survey
Year 2016
Access date 01.06.2016
To achieve estimates that are representative of a particular time period, survey practitioners rely on respondents to accurately place events in time. However, research shows that placing events in time can be challenging (Groves, et al. 2009). Longitudinal studies mitigate this challenge by utilizing a “bounding” interview, but cross-sectional surveys depend solely on respondents’ recall to determine if an event took place within the reference period. Telescoping occurs when respondents erroneously report events that occurred outside of the reference period and often cannot be detected or measured in cross-sectional surveys. In this paper we examine the ability of respondents to place events in time and present a method for detecting erroneously reported events through the use of item replication. The Campus Climate Survey Validation Study (CCSVS),sponsored by the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the Office of Violence Against Women, is a web survey of over 23,000 college students administered in the Spring of 2015 at nine institutions across the United States. Respondents were asked about incidents of unwanted sexual contact that occurred during the 2014-2015 academic year. Respondents who indicated one or more incidents of unwanted sexual contact were then asked to provide details about each incident, including the month in which it occurred. A non-trivial proportion of victims were unable to provide the month in which the incident occurred. Students were also asked to indicate when in their lifetime the most recent incident of unwanted sexual contact occurred. This item was used to identify respondents who reported victimizations that occurred outside the reference period (i.e., respondents who potentially telescoped). We explore the characteristics of respondents and victimizations that influenced the ability of respondents to place victimizations in time and assess the impact of detectable telescoping on resulting survey estimates.
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Year of publication2016
Web survey bibliography - Lindquist, C. (4)
- Impact of Field Period Length in the Estimates of Sexual Victimization in a Web-based Survey of College...; 2016; Berzofsky, M.; Peterson, K.; Shook-Sa, B. E.; Lindquist, C.; Krebs, C.
- Assessing Potential Bias in Respondent-driven Incident Based Data from a Web Survey of College Students...; 2016; Peterson, K.; Berzofsky, M.; Shook-Sa, B. E.; Krebs, C.; Lindquist, C.
- Methods for Detecting Telescoping Error in a Cross- sectional Web Design Survey ; 2016; Shook-Sa, B. E.; Berzofsky, M.; Peterson, K.; Lindquist, C.; Krebs, C.
- Incentive Types and Amounts in a Web-based Survey of College Students; 2015; Krebs, C.; Planty, M.; Stroop, J.; Berzofsky, M.; Lindquist, C.