Web Survey Bibliography
Title The Effect of Respondent Commitment and Tailored Fe edback on Response Quality in an Online Survey
Author Cibelli Hibben, K.; Conrad, F. G.
Year 2016
Access date 03.06.2016
To the extent that inaccurate or poor quality survey responses is due to insufficient effort by respondents, it might help to obtain a direct commitment from the respondent to be diligent in completing the task and to provide feedback “tailored” to the respondent’s effort on the response process. Charles Cannell and his associates pioneered these techniques in the late 1970s in face-to-face health-related interviews and the results were promising: The quality of reporting on response tasks designed to be demanding in terms of recall, cognitive effort or self-disclosure increased when they asked respondents to commit to providing complete and accurate information and instructed interviewers to provide feedback on the adequacy of answers (Miller & Cannell, 1977, 1982; Oksenberg, Vinokur, & Cannell, 1977a; Oksenberg et al., 1977b;Vinokur, Oksenberg, & Cannell, 1977). The current study examines the effects of respondent commitment and tailored feedback on the accuracy of reported medical visits in an online survey of parents regarding their child’s medical care. The accuracy of responses to several health service utilization questions will be directly validated against medical records from the University of Michigan Health Service – previous studies evaluating commitment and tailored feedback have only used indirect measures of accuracy. The study also examines the effect of respondent commitment and tailored feedback on socially desirable reporting, satisficing, respondent-reported record check, and debriefing questions. It also uniquely assesses the potential benefit of combining these strategies and their effectiveness applied to a web survey. Applying these techniques,which were developed for interviewer-administered interviews, to an online – and therefore interactive– survey promises to promote thoughtful answers in a new generation of survey data collection.
Access/Direct link Conference Homepage (abstract)
Year of publication2016
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations
Web survey bibliography - Cibelli Hibben, K. (3)
- The Effect of Respondent Commitment on Response Quality in Two Online Surveys; 2017; Cibelli Hibben, K.
- The Effect of Respondent Commitment and Tailored Fe edback on Response Quality in an Online Survey ; 2016; Cibelli Hibben, K.; Conrad, F. G.
- The Effect of Respondent Commitment on Response Quality in an Online Survey; 2015; Cibelli Hibben, K.; Conrad, F.