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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Making Connections on the Internet: Online Survey Panel Communications
Year 2016
Access date 06.06.2016
To connect with potential respondents for web based surveys, researchers have several initial contact options in their tool kit. When conducting a digital study with a convenience sample, many researchers use emails, vendor driven website traffic, or banner advertisements to turn a “click” into
a survey complete. Motivating willing respondents to participate in an online convenience survey may require different communications and incentives than a traditional probability survey. Taking a closer look at banner advertisements used to recruit respondents for a large convenience panels that cover participants both in and outside of the United States; this research examines digital motivational messaging and the look and feel of advertisements to understand the underling impressions and effectiveness of current sampling strategies. Findings from seventeen in-depth interviews conducted with English-speaking participants explore thoughtson existing taglines and advertisements. Overall, six taglines and seven ad copies were tested and evaluated to understand key factors in driving potential respondents to an online panel registration website. Key findings include: participant wiliness to click on the advertisements, effective incentive messaging, and comprehension of ad copy. Overall, communicating in the digital space gives researchers tools to connect with respondents, but some messages and visual designs are perceived better than others.
Year of publication2016
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations

Web survey bibliography (4086)
