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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Longitudinal Online Ego-centric Social Network Data Collection with EgoWeb 2.0
Year 2016
Access date 09.06.2016
Social network analysis is a key methodology in modern sociological research. Research has shown that social networks have a large effect on respondents' behaviors and attitudes, including health behaviors, risk taking, and many others. Longitudinal tracking of the changing social network of respondents provides new insights into how people change over time. However, collecting data about social networks, particularly in online surveys, can be burdensome for respondents. Developing technologies to ease respondent burden is crucial to expanding this research. EgoWeb 2.0 is an open-source platform for conducting online and face-to-face surveys to gather ego-centered network data. It allows researchers to collect data not only about the structure of the social network, but also the characteristics of the alters, the relationship between the ego and each alter, and the relationships between alters. It includes options to present network visualization immediately after collection of network structural data to elicit additional data based on a respondent's evaluation of the network display. For longitudinal studies, networks are pre-loaded to greatly reduce respondent burden and underreporting of network contacts. The EgoWeb 2.0 tool will be presented, along with longitudinal studies that have used EgoWeb for online collection. The results from the Context of Adolescent Risk Behavior in Networks (CARBIN), a longitudinal studyof substance abuse from three public schools in Illinois, will be presented. The results of a study with a nationally representative probability-basedsample from the American Life Panel will also be presented. The insights from these projects will demonstrate the feasibility and data quality from longitudinal online social network surveys.
Year of publication2016
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations

Web survey bibliography (4086)
