Web Survey Bibliography
Title App vs. Web for Surveys of Smartphone Users: Experimenting with mobile apps for signal-contingent experience sampling method surveys
Author McGeeney, K.; Keeter, S.; Igielnik, R.; Smith, A.; Rainie, L.
Source Pew Research Center
Year 2015
Access date 11.08.2016
Full text PDF (840kB)
This report utilizes a form of survey known as “signal-contingent experience sampling” to gather data about how Americans use their smartphones on a day-to-day basis. Respondents were asked to complete two surveys per day for one week (using either a mobile app they had installed on their phone or by completing a web survey) and describe how they had used their phone in the hour prior to taking the survey. This report examines whether this type of intensive data collection is possible with a probability-based panel and to understand the differences in participation and responses when using a smartphone app as opposed to a web browser for this type of study.
Access/Direct link Pew Research Center Homepage (full tex)
Year of publication2015
Bibliographic typeReports, seminars
Web survey bibliography (4086)
- App vs. Web for Surveys of Smartphone Users: Experimenting with mobile apps for signal-contingent experience...; 2015; McGeeney, K.; Keeter, S.; Igielnik, R.; Smith, A.; Rainie, L.
- Using Video to Reinvigorate the Open Question; 2015; Cape, P.
- On the Go: How Mobile Participants Affect Survey Results; 2015; Barlas, F. M.; Thomas, R. K.
- The Matrix Lives On: Improving Grids for Online Surveys; 2015; Thomas, R. K.; Barlas, F. M.; Graham, P.; Subias, T.
- Variance Estimation for Surveys from Internet Panels ; 2015; Rivers, D.
- Sensitivity Analysis of Bias of Estimates from Web Surveys with Nonrandomized Panel Selection; 2015; Beresovsky, V.
- Detecting Fraud in a Survey Sample Recruited Online; 2015; Brown, D.; Dever, J. A.; Augustson, E.; Squiers, L.
- Survey Treatments and Response Modes: Bayesian Survival Analysis with Competing Risks; 2015; Minato, H.
- Purposefully Mobile: Experimentally Assessing Device Effects in an Online Survey ; 2015; Barlas, F. M.; Thomas, R. K.; Graham, P.
- Use of Smartphones as a New Survey Mode: A Feasibility Study ; 2015; Hu, S.; Freedner-Maguire, N.; Dayton, J.; Neff, L.
- Using equivalence testing to disentangle selection and measurement in mixed modes surveys ; 2015; Cernat, A.
- What do web survey panel respondents answer when asked “Do you have any other comment?”; 2015; Schonlau, M.
- On Climbing Stairs Many Steps at a Time: The New Normal in Survey Methodology; 2015; Dillman, D. A.
- Mobile Research Methods: Opportunities and challenges of mobile research methodologies. ; 2015; Toninelli, D. (Ed.); Pinter, R.; de Pedraza, P.
- Effect of Web-Based Versus Paper-Based Questionnaires and Follow-Up Strategies on Participation Rates...; 2015; Kilsdonk, E.; van den Heuvel-Eibrink, M. M.; van Dulmen-den Broeder, E.; van der Pal, H. J. H.; van...
- Polling Error in the 2015 UK General Election: An Analysis of YouGov’s Pre and Post-Election Polls...; 2015; Wells, A.; Rivers, D.
- Cell Phone and Face-to-face Interview Responses in Population-based Sur- veys - How Do They Compare?; 2015; Ghandour, L.; Ghandour, B.; Mahfoud, Z.; Mokdad, A.; Sibai, A. M.
- Collecting Health Research Data - Comparing Mobile Phone-assisted Personal Interviewing to Paper-and...; 2015; van Heerden, A. C.; Norris, S. A.; Tollman, S. M.; Richter, L. M.
- The Effects of Questionnaire Completion Using Mobile Devices on Data Quality. Evidence from a Probability...; 2015; Bosnjak, M.; Struminskaya, B.; Weyandt, K.
- Are Sliders Too Slick for Surveys? An Experiment Comparing Slider and Radio Button Scales for Smartphone...; 2015; Aadland, D.; Aalberg, T.
- Evaluation of an Adapted Design in a Multi-device Online Panel: A DemoSCOPE Case Study; 2015; Arn, B.; Klug, S.; Kolodziejski, J.
- Maximizing Data Quality using Mode Switching in Mixed-Device Survey Design: Nonresponse Bias and Models...; 2015; Axinn, W.; Gatny, H. H.; Wagner, J.
- Web Surveys Optimized for Smartphones: Are there Differences Between Computer and Smartphone Users?; 2015; Andreadis, I.
- Usability of the ACS Internet Instrument on Mobile Devices; 2015; Horwitz, R.
- Explorations in Non - Probability Sampling Using the Web; 2015; Brick, J. M.
- On Bias Adjustments for Web Surveys; 2015; Fan, L.; Lou, W.; Landsman, V.
- Are they willing to use the web? First results of a possible switch from PAPI to CAPI/CAWI in an establishment...; 2015; Ellguth, P.; Kohaut, S.
- Web panel surveys – a challenge for official statistics; 2015; Svensson, J.
- Estimation with Non-probability Surveys and the Question of External Validity; 2015; Dever, J. A.; Valliant, R. L.
- Measurement Properties of Web Surveys; 2015; Tourangeau, R.
- Measuring Political Knowledge in Web-Based Surveys: An Experimental Validation of Visual Versus Verbal...; 2015; Munzert, S.; Selb, P.
- Validation of the new scale for measuring behaviors of Facebook users: Psycho-Social Aspects of Facebook...; 2015; Bodroza, B.; Jovanovic, T.
- Adding Postal Follow-Up to a Web-Based Survey of Primary Care and Gastroenterology Clinic Physician...; 2015; Partin, M. R.; Powell, A. A.; Burgess, D. J.; Haggstrom, D. A.; Gravely, A. A.; Halek, K.; Bangerter...
- Can Non-full-probability Internet Surveys Yield Useful Data? A Comparison with Full-probability Face...; 2015; Simmons, A.D.; Bobo, L. D.
- Participation rates, response bias and response behaviours in the community survey of the Swiss Spinal...; 2015; Fekete, C.; Segerer, W.; Gemperli, A.; Brinkhof, M.W.G.
- The Cathie Marsh lecture: What does the failure of the polls tell us about the future of survey research...; 2015; Sturgis, P., Matheson, J.
- GreenBook Research Industry Trends Report; 2015; Murphy, L. (Ed.)
- Designing web surveys for the multi-device internet; 2015; de Bruijne, M.
- Data Quality Standards in Mixed Mode Surveys; 2015; Bremer, J.; Barbulescu, M.; Bennett, J.
- Mobile Surveys for Kids: Making Surveys G-rated; 2015; Simpson, B.
- Changing from CAPI to CAWI in an ongoing household panel - experiences from the German Socio-Economic...; 2015; Schupp, J.; Sassenroth, D.
- Rating Scales in Web Surveys: A Test of New Drag-and-Drop Rating Procedures; 2015; Kunz, T.
- A Review of Issues in Gamified Surveys; 2015; Keusch, F.; Zhang, Che.
- Mobility Enabled: Effects of Mobile Devices on Survey Response and Substantive Measures; 2015; Barlas, F. M.; Randall, T. K.
- Innovations in Email Invitation Design for Today’s Digital World; 2015; Saunders, T.; Kessler, A.
- Gamification in Survey Research: Do The Results Support The Evangelists?; 2015; Pashupati, K.; Weber-Raley, L.
- What They Can’t See Can Hurt You: Improving Grids for Mobile Devices; 2015; Randall, T. K.; Barlas, F. M.; Graham, P.; Subias, T.
- Same, Same but Different: Effects of mixing Web and mail modes in audience research; 2015; Bergstroem, A.
- Comparison of telephone RDD and online panel survey modes on CPGI scores and co-morbidities; 2015; Lee, C.-K.; Back, K.-J.; Williams, Ro. J.; Ahn, S.-S.
- An Empirical Test of Nonresponse Bias in Internet Surveys; 2015; af Wahlberg, AE; Poom, L.