Web Survey Bibliography
Title Doing Online Surveys: Zum Einsatz in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Raumforschung
Author Nadler, R.; Petzold, K.; Schoenduwe, R.
Source Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 73, 3, pp. 203-217
Year 2015
Access date 20.04.2017
Online-Befragungen sind spätestens seit den 1990er Jahren zu einem selbstverständlichen Teil der empirischen Sozialforschung geworden. Bisher jedoch findet in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Raumforschung keine intensive Methodendiskussion zu Online-Befragungen statt. In diesem Beitrag skizzieren wir die Methodologie, Vor- und Nachteile sowie mögliche Einsatzfelder dieses Erhebungsinstrumentes. Insbesondere für explorative und experimentelle quantitative Erhebungen zu neuen und komplexen raumbezogenen Themenfeldern lassen sich Online-Befragungen vorteilhaft einsetzen. Aufbauend auf diesen Betrachtungen werden praktische Erfahrungen mit Online-Befragungen aus drei Forschungsprojekten der sozialwissenschaftlichen Raumforschung vorgestellt. Dabei liegt der Fokus auf der Darstellung der Fragebogengestaltung, des Samplings und der technischen Umsetzung. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass mit der Online-Befragung ein wichtiges Werkzeug insbesondere zur Erforschung hochmobiler Bevölkerungsgruppen zur Verfügung steht. Vor dem Hintergrund, dass Mobilitäts- und Multilokalitätsphänomene unsere Gesellschaft verstärkt prägen und damit auch räumliche Strukturen zunehmend beeinflussen, haben Online-Befragungen ein noch zu wenig genutztes Potenzial im Rahmen der sozialwissenschaftlichen Raumforschung. Auf der Basis dieser Erfahrungen wird als Handreichung ein Fragenkatalog abgeleitet, der es interessierten Raumforschern erlaubt, die Passfähigkeit von Online-Befragungen als Erhebungsinstrument in der Konzeptionsphase von Forschungsprojekten abzuwägen.
Abstract - optional
Empirical social research made use of online surveys since the mid-1990s. However, there is no significant methodological debate about this empirical tool in socio-scientific regional studies. In this paper, we delineate the online survey methodology, their advantages and disadvantages as well as potential contexts of application. Online surveys are useful especially for explorative and experimental quantitative research projects that deal with complex and new socio-spatial phenomena. Based on these observations, we will present practical experience with online survey research from three projects in the field of socio-scientific regional studies. We will focus on questionnaire design, sampling and technical solutions. The results show that particularly for studies on highly mobile social groups online surveys are an appropriate and powerful tool for data collection. Given that mobility and multilocality are more and more characterizing our societies and thus impact spatial structures, we argue that online surveys are underused as a method for the exploration of new trends and phenomena in socio-scientific regional studies. Based on these insights, we present a catalogue of questions that should allow interested regional scientists to evaluate the applicability of online surveys when conceptualizing new research projects.
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Year of publication2015
Bibliographic typeJournal article
Web survey bibliography (4086)
- Measuring Generalized Trust: An Examination of Question Wording and the Number of Scale Points; 2016; Lundmark, S.; Giljam, M.; Dahlberg, S.
- A Statistical Approach to Provide Individualized Privacy for Surveys; 2016; Esponda, F.; Huerta, K.; Guerrero, V. M.
- Online and Social Media Data As an Imperfect Continuous Panel Survey; 2016; Diaz, F.; Garmon, F.; Hofman, J. K.; Kiciman, E.; Rothschild, D.
- Social Media Analyses for Social Measurement; 2016; Schober, M. F.; Pasek, J.; Guggenheim, L.; Lampe, C.; Conrad, F. G.
- Equivalence of paper-and-pencil and computerized self-report surveys in older adults; 2016; Weigold, A.; Weigold, I. K.; Drakeford, M. K.; Dykema, S. A.; Smith, C. A.
- Quality of Different Scales in an Online Survey in Mexico and Colombia; 2016; Revilla, M.; Ochoa, C.
- A multi-group analysis of online survey respondent data quality: Comparing a regular USA consumer panel...; 2016; Golden, L.; Albaum, G.; Roster, C. A.; Smith, S. M.
- Does the Inclusion of Non-Internet Households in a Web Panel Reduce Coverage Bias?; 2016; Eckman, S.
- Investigating respondent multitasking in web surveys using paradata; 2016; Sendelbah, A.; Vehovar, V.; Slavec, A.; Petrovcic, A.
- The effect of email invitation elements on response rate in a web survey within an online community; 2016; Petrovcic, A.; Petric, G.; Lozar Manfreda, K.
- Respondent Conditioning in Online Panel Surveys: Results of Two Field Experiments; 2016; Struminskaya, B.
- Swapping bricks for clicks: Crowdsourcing longitudinal data on Amazon Turk; 2016; Daly, T. M.; Nataraajan, R.
- A reliability analysis of Mechanical Turk data; 2016; Rouse, S. V.
- Quota Controls in Survey Research.; 2016; Gittelman, S. H.; Thomas, R. K.; Lavrakas, P. J.; Lange, V.
- Presentation matters: how mode effects in item non-response depend on the presentation of response options...; 2016; Zeglovits, E.; Schwarzer, S.
- Internet-administered Health-related Quality of Life Questionnaires Compared With Pen and Paper in an...; 2016; Nitikman, M.; Mulpuri, K.; Reilly, C. W.
- Computers, Tablets, and Smart Phones: The Truth About Web-based Surveys; 2016; Merle, P.; Gearhart, S.; Craig, C.; Vandyke, M.; Brooks, M. E.; Rahimi, M.
- Scientific Surveys Based on Incomplete Sampling Frames and High Rates of Nonresponse; 2016; Fahimi, M.; Barlas, F. M.; Thomas, R. K.; Buttermore, N. R.
- Doing Surveys Online ; 2016; Toepoel, V.
- Exploring Factors in Contributing Student Progress in the Open University; 2016; Arifin, M. H.
- Taming Big Data: Using App Technology to Study Organizational Behavior on Social Media; 2015; Bail, C. A.
- The Use of a Nonprobability Internet Panel to Monitor Sexual and Reproductive Health in the General...; 2015; Legleye, S; Charrance, G.; Razafindratsima, N.; Bajos, N.; Bohet, A.; Moreau, C.
- Adapting Labour Force Survey questions from interviewer-administered modes for web self-completion in...; 2015; Betts, P.; Cubbon, B.
- ESOMAR/GRBN Online Research Guideline; 2015
- Taking MARS Digital; 2015; Melton, E.; Krahn, J.
- A Comparison of the Effects of Face-to-Face and Online Deliberation on Young Students’ Attitudes...; 2015; Triantafillidou, A.; Yannas, P.; Lappas, G.; Kleftodimos, A.
- A Privacy-Friendly Method to Reward Participants of Online-Surveys; 2015; Herfert, M.; Lange, B.; Selzer, A.; Waldmann, U.
- Doing Online Surveys: Zum Einsatz in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Raumforschung; 2015; Nadler, R.; Petzold, K.; Schoenduwe, R.
- Are Fast Responses More Random? Testing the Effect of Response Time on Scale in an Online Choice Experiment...; 2015; Boerger, T.
- The impact of frequency rating scale formats on the measurement of latent variables in web surveys -...; 2015; Menold, N.; Kemper, C. J.
- Investigating response order effects in web surveys using eye tracking; 2015; Karem Hoehne, J.; Lenzner, T.
- Implementation of the forced answering option within online surveys: Do higher item response rates come...; 2015; Decieux, J. P.; Mergener, A.; Neufang, K.; Sischka, P.
- Internet Panels, Professional Respondents, and Data Quality; 2015; Matthijsse, S.; De Leeuw, E. D.; Hox, J.
- Self-administered Questions and Interviewer–Respondent Familiarity; 2015; Rodriguez, L. A., Sana, M., Sisk, B.
- Comparing Food Label Experiments Using Samples from Web Panels versus Mall Intercepts; 2015; Chang, L. C., Lin, C. T. J.
- Translating Answers to Open-ended Survey Questions in Cross-cultural Research: A Case Study on the Interplay...; 2015; Behr, D.
- The impact of gamifying to increase spontaneous awareness; 2015; Cape, P.
- Using eye-tracking to understand how fourth grade students answer matrix items; 2015; Maitland, A.; Sun, H.; Caporaso, A.; Tourangeau, R.; Bertling, J.; Almonte, D.
- Incentive Types and Amounts in a Web-based Survey of College Students; 2015; Krebs, C.; Planty, M.; Stroop, J.; Berzofsky, M.; Lindquist, C.
- Response Rates and Response Bias in Web Panel Surveys; 2015; Boyle, J.; Berman, L.; Dayton, Ja.; Fakhouri, T.; Iachan, R.; Courtright, M.; Pashupati, K.
- Characteristics of the Population of Internet Panel Members; 2015; Boyle, J; Freedner, N.; Fakhouri, T.
- Internet and Smartphone Coverage in a National Health Survey: Implications for Alternative Modes; 2015; Couper, M. P.; Kelley, J.; Axinn, W.; Guyer, H.; Wagner, J.; West, B. T.
- An Overview of Mobile CATI Issues in Europe; 2015; Slavec, A.; Toninelli, D.
- Using Mobile Phones for High-Frequency Data Collection; 2015; Azevedo, J. P.; Ballivian, A.; Durbin, W.
- Willingness of Online Access Panel Members to Participate in Smartphone Application-Based Research; 2015; Pinter, R.
- Who Has Access to Mobile Devices in an Online Opt-in Panel? An Analysis of Potential Respondents for...; 2015; Revilla, M.; Toninelli, D.; Ochoa, C.; Loewe, G.
- Who Are the Internet Users, Mobile Internet Users, and Mobile-Mostly Internet Users?: Demographic Differences...; 2015; Antoun, C.
- A Meta-Analysis of Breakoff Rates in Mobile Web Surveys; 2015; Mavletova, A. M.; Couper, M. P.
- The Best of Both Worlds? Combining Passive Data with Survey Data, its Opportunities, Challenges and...; 2015; Duivenvoorde, S.; Dillon, A.
- Optimizing the Decennial Census for Mobile – A Case Study; 2015; Nichols, E. M.; Hawala, E. O.; Horwitz, R.; Bentley, M.