Web Survey Bibliography
Title Inferences from Internet Panel Studies and Comparisons with Probability Samples
Author Lachan, R.; Boyle, J.; Harding, R.
Year 2016
Access date 17.07.2017
Abstract The increasing use of internet panel surveys has led to a growing need for inferences from these samples that are generally selected with non-probability sampling methods from a very large panel population. Also lacking is evidence of the validity of these samples at least in the sense of representation, coverage, and comparability with probability samples of similar populations. This paper first describes the weighting methods used to generate valid estimates. It then explores the development of variances and confidence intervals for these weighted samples, and uses these to compare the survey estimates with probability sample estimates. This research uses data from a series of internet panel studies; specifically, we used the data from the study conducted in Los Angeles County. We compare the results with local data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) and from the California Health Interview Survey (HIS).
Access/Direct link Conference homepage (abstract) / (full text)
Year of publication2016
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations
Web survey bibliography - Boyle, J. (11)
- Inferences from Internet Panel Studies and Comparisons with Probability Samples; 2016; Lachan, R.; Boyle, J.; Harding, R.
- Response Rates and Response Bias in Web Panel Surveys; 2015; Boyle, J.; Berman, L.; Dayton, Ja.; Fakhouri, T.; Iachan, R.; Courtright, M.; Pashupati, K.
- Characteristics of the Population of Internet Panel Members; 2015; Boyle, J; Freedner, N.; Fakhouri, T.
- Using Online Panels for National Surveys of Low Incidence Populations: Findings from the CDC Influenza...; 2012; Boyle, J., Ball, S., Ding, H., Srinath, K. P., Euler, G.
- Internet Panels and Health Research: Findings from National RDD Surveys.; 2010; Boyle, J.
- Cell Phone Mainly and Cell Phone Mostly: A Comparison of Two Approaches to Dual Frame Cell Phone and...; 2009; Boyle, J., Cantor, J.
- Cell Phone Mainly Households: Coverage and Reach for Telephone Surveys Using RDD Landline Samples; 2009; Boyle, J., Lewis, F., Tefft, B.
- Zero Banks: Coverage Error and Bias in Rdd Samples Based on Hundred Banks with Listed Numbers ; 2009; Boyle, J., Bucuvalas, M., Piekarski, L., Weiss, A.
- Reply to Fahimi et al Comments; 2009; Boyle, J., Bucuvalas, M., Piekarski, L., Weiss, A.
- Zero Banks: Coverage Error in List Assisted RDD Samples; 2009; Boyle, J., Bucuvalas, M., Piekarski, L., Weiss, A.
- Health Policy Concerns and Policy Preferences: A Comparison of Landline RDD and Cell Phone Only (and...; 2008; Zukin, C., Cantor, J., Brownlee, S., Boyle, J.