Authors (8941)
Schonlau, M.
Name:Schonlau, M.
Send email to: Schonlau, M.
More information:
Matthias Schonlau, PhD
RAND Corporation
1776 Main Street, P.O. Box 2138
Santa Monica CA 90407-2138
Univ Waterloo, Canada
Data has been last edited on Mar 30 2017
Web survey bibliography
- Are Final Comments in Web Survey Panels Associated...; 2016; McLauchlan, C.; Schonlau, M.
- Options for Fielding and Analyzing Web Surveys; 2016; Schonlau, M.; Couper, M. P.
- What do web survey panel respondents answer when...; 2015; Schonlau, M.
- Recruiting an Internet Panel Using Respondent-Driven...; 2014; Schonlau, M., Weidmer, B., Kapteyn, A.
- Recruiting in an Internet panel using respondent driven...; 2012; Schonlau, M.
- Respondent-driven sampling; 2012; Schonlau, M., Liebau, E.
- Conducting Respondent Driven Sampling on the Web:...; 2011; Kapteyn, A., Schonlau, M.
- Graph comprehension: an experiment in displaying data...; 2008; Schonlau, M.
- Beyond Demographics: Are ‘Webographic’...; 2007; Schonlau, M., van Soest, A., Kapteyn, A.
- Will Web Surveys Ever Become Part of Mainstream Research...; 2004; Schonlau, M.
- A Comparison Between Responses From a Propensity-Weighted...; 2004; Schonlau, M., Zapert, K., Simon, L. P., Sanstad, K...
- Web Surveys as Part of a Mixed-Mode Strategy for Populations...; 2003; Schonlau, M., Asch, B. J., Du, C.
- Conducting Research Surveys via E-mail and the Web; 2002; Schonlau, M., Elliot, M. N., Fricker, R. D.
- Literature Review of Web and E-mail Surveys, Chapter...; 2001; Schonlau, M., Fricker, R. D., Elliot, M. N.