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Authors (8941)


Plantin, L.

Name:Plantin, L.


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Lars Plantin

Professor of Social Work, Faculty of Health and Society, Department for Social Work, Malmö University, Sweden

Lars’ main area of expertise is family sociology with a special focus on fatherhood. In 2001 he presented his thesis, Mäns Föräldraskap. Om mäns upplevelser ocherfarenheter av faderskapet [Men’s parenting. On Men’s Perceptions and Experiences of Fatherhood] (2001). The study was based on a collaborative project between the University of Sunderland in the United Kingdom and the University of Göteborg in Sweden.

He has published many articles on the subject and in recent years has focused his research on the area of parenthood, work and family life, contributing to books such as “Women, Men, Work and Family in Europe”, “Work, Family and Organisations in Transitions. European Perspective” and “Transitions to Parenthood in Europe. A Comparative Life Course Perspective”.

Plantin has also published articles and books on themes such as Parenthood and the Internet, Reproductive Health and Migration, and HIV. He has reviewed around 30 manuscripts for scientific journals.

As well as speaking at many international conferences and workshops, he is currently supervising four doctoral students.

Data has been last edited on Sep 14 2015