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American Statistical Association (ASA)
Data has been last edited on Mar 07 2013
Web survey bibliography
- The psychology or survey response. An ASA webinar; 2010; Tourangeau, R.
- The internet response method: Impact on the Canadian...; 2006; Roy, L., Laroche, D.
- Assessing Panel Bias in the Knowledge Networks Panel...; 2006; Pineau, V., Nukulkij, P., Tang, X.
- Handling "Don't Know" Survey Responses...; 1995; Rubin, D. B.; Vehovar, V.; Hal, S. S.
- A study of procedures to identify and trim extreme...; 1990; Potter, F.
- Survey of procedures to control extreme sampling weights...; 1988; Potter, F.
- Effect on Weighting Adjustments on Estimates From...; 1982; Botman, S.L.; Massey, J. T.; Shimizu, I.M.