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International Journal of Internet Science
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Web survey bibliography
- Will They Stay or Will They Go? Personality Predictors...; 2016; Nestler, S.; Thielsch, M.; Vasilev, E.; Back, M.
- WEBDATANET: Innovation and Quality in Web-Based Data...; 2014; Steinmetz, S., Slavec, A., Tijdens, K. G., Reips,...
- Mining “Big Data” using Big Data Services...; 2014; Reips, U.-D., Matzat, U.
- Does It Pay Off to Include Non-Internet Households...; 2013; Leenheer, J., Scherpenzeel, A.
- ReCal OIR: Ordinal, Interval, and Ratio Intercoder...; 2013; Freelon, D. G.
- News Platform Preference: Advancing the Effects of...; 2010; Bachmann, I., Kaufhold, K., Lewis, S. C., de Zuniga...
- ReCal: Intercoder Reliability Calculation as a Web...; 2010; Freelon, D. G.
- Continuous Measurement of Musically-Induced Emotion...; 2009; Egermann, H., Nagel, F., Altenmueller, E., Kopiez,...
- The Impact of Textual Messages of Encouragement on...; 2009; Sakshaug, J. W., Crawford, S. D.
- Objectivity, Reliability, and Validity of Search Engine...; 2008; Janetzko, D.
- Physical or Virtual Presence of the Experimenter:...; 2006; Ollesch, H., Heineken, E., Schulte, F. P.