Internet Survey Methodology workshop 2009
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September 17 - 19, 2009
Bergamo University, Bergamo, Italy
The information above may be outdated.
Web survey bibliography
- Pictures in Web Surveys; 2009; Toepoel, V., Couper, M. P.
- National readership surveys: Moving from probability...; 2009; Vehovar, V., Slavec, A., Petric, I., Sargac, M.
- Why don’t all Businesses report on Web?; 2009; Haraldsen, G.
- An experiment on the effects of non-response reweighting...; 2009; Fabrizi, E., Biffignandi, S., Toninelli, D.
- Dynamic feedback in open-ended questions: Experiments...; 2009; Fuchs, M.
- Effects of monetary incentives on participation in...; 2009; Bandilla, W., Haas, I.
- Response Order and Response Distributions: The Format...; 2009; Tourangeau, R., Conrad, F. G., Couper, M. P., Balter...
- Anticipated estimation from a panel Web survey: the...; 2009; Scaffai, G., Pratesi, M.
- Statistical analysis of on-line courses; 2009; Baelter, O.
- Methodological approaches of Web 2.0; 2009; Neubarth, W.
- Is this e-mail relevant? An eyetracking experiment...; 2009; Kaczmirek, L., Faaß, T., Galesic, M.
- File transfer with built-in editing features; 2009; Erikson, J.
- From paper to internet: Design challenges when mixing...; 2009; Stax, H.-P., Thomsen, P.
- The Use of Audit Trails in Business Web Surveys; 2009; Snijkers, G., Morren, M.
- Yes, VASs can! Increasing the accuracy of survey measurements...; 2009; Funke, F., Reips, U.-D.
- Using Mail Contact to Sample and Encourage Submission...; 2009; Dillman, D. A., Messer, B. L., Millar, M. M.
- Improving the Design of Complex Matrix Questions; 2009; Couper, M. P., Tourangeau, R., Conrad, F. G.
- Use of Web surveys in Official Statistics; 2009; Bethlehem, J.
- Relations between functionality and usability of Web...; 2009; Berzelak, N., Lozar Manfreda, K.
- Turning Grid Questions into Sequences in Business...; 2009; Haraldsen, G., Bergstrøm, Y.
- The Electronic Questionnaire Experience in Business...; 2009; Biffignandi, S., Siesto, G., Zeli, A.