Links (1889)
- In M. Callegaro, R. Baker, J. Bethlehem, A. S. Göritz, J. A. Krosnick and P. J. Lavrakas (eds.): Online Panel Research: A Data Quality Perspective. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK
- In M. Hassenzahl, & M. Peissner (Eds.), Usability Professionals. Linz: German Chapter der Usability Professionals Association e.V.
- In Mick P. Couper et al.(Eds.): Computer Assisted Survey Information Collection
- In N. Fielding & R. M. Lee & G. Blank (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Online Research Methods (second edition). London: Sage
- In N. Fielding & R. M. Lee & G. Blank (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Online Research Methods. London: Sage
In M. Callegaro, R. Baker, J. Bethlehem, A. S. Göritz, J. A. Krosnick and P. J. Lavrakas (eds.): Online Panel Research: A Data Quality Perspective. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK
Data has been last edited on Jun 30 2014
Web survey bibliography
- Validating respondents' identity in online samples...; 2014; Baker, R., Miller, C., Kachhi-Jiwani, D., Lange, K...
- The relationship between nonresponse strategies and...; 2014; Malhotra, N., Miller, J. M., Wedeking, J.
- Nonresponse and measurement error in an online panel...; 2014; Roberts, C., Allum, N., Sturgis, P.
- Estimating the effects of nonresponses in online panels...; 2014; Zhang, W.
- An empirical test of the impact of smartphones on...; 2014; Drewes, F.
- Professional respondents in nonprobability online...; 2014; Hillygus, D. S., Jackson, N. M., Young, M.
- Informing panel members about study results; 2014; Scherpenzeel, A., Toepoel, V.
- Determinants of the starting rate and the completion...; 2014; Goeritz, A.
- The untold story of multi-mode (online and mail) consumer...; 2014; McCutcheon, A. L., Rao, K., Kaminska, O.
- Online panels and validity; 2014; Groenlund, K., Strandberg, K.
- Assessing representativeness of a probability-based...; 2014; Struminskaya, B., Kaczmirek, L., Schaurer, I., Bandilla...
- A critical review of studies investigating the quality...; 2014; Callegaro, M., Villar, A., Yeager, D. S., Krosnick...
- Online panel research: History, concepts, applications...; 2014; Callegaro, M., Baker, R., Bethlehem, J., Goeritz,...
- Motives for joining nonprobability online panels and...; 2014; Keusch, F., Batinic, B., Mayerhofer, W.
- Improving web survey quality; 2014; Steinmetz, S., Bianchi, S. M., Tijdens, K. G., Biffignandi...