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The Journal of Child and Family Studies


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The Journal of Child and Family Studies is an international forum for topical issues pertaining to the mental well-being of children, adolescents, and their families. The journal translates the latest research results into practical applications for clinicians and healthcare practitioners, by addressing all facets of emotional disorders, including issues associated with identification, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention. Original papers detail basic and applied research, program evaluation, service delivery, and policy issues on emotional or behavioral disorders, child abuse and neglect, respite care, foster care, mental health care financing, homelessness, family stress, AIDS, and substance abuse, among other timely topics.


Social Sciences Citation Index®/Social Scisearch®
Current Contents®/Social and Behavioral Sciences
Journal Citation Reports/ Social Sciences Edition

ISSN: 1062-1024 (Print) 1573-2843 (Online)

Data has been last edited on Oct 05 2015