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methods, data, analyses


More information:

Methods, data, analyses (mda) publishes research on all questions important to quantitative methods, with a special emphasis on survey methodology. Mda is released in print and online as open-access journal. All content is freely available and can be distributed without any restrictions, ensuring the free flow of information that is crucial for scientific progress. Of course, mda does not raise any publication fees.

We especially invite authors to submit articles extending the profession's knowledge on the science of surveys, be it on data collection, measurement, or data analysis and statistics. We also welcome applied papers that deal with the use of quantitative methods in practice, with teaching quantitative methods, or that present the use of a particular state-of-the-art method using an example for illustration. In spite of the focus on survey methodology we also encourage submissions on other important topics of social science research methods.

All papers submitted to mda will first be screened by the editors for general suitability and then double-blindly reviewed by at least two reviewers. The decision on publication is made by the editors on the basis of the reviews.

Mda appears in two regular issues per year (June, December). All content is licensed using the creative commons attribution license (CC-BY).

Data has been last edited on Nov 16 2015