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General Online Research Conference (GOR) 2008
Data has been last edited on Aug 31 2011
Web survey bibliography
- Visual Design Effects on on Respondents Behaviour...; 2008; Greinoecker, A.
- Effects of Privacy Assurances on the Online Measurement...; 2008; Witzki, A., Kramer, J.
- How Web 2.0 Technologies Can Become a Valuable Part...; 2008; Jaron, R.
- Respondent Authenticity - A biometrical approach to...; 2008; Wachter, B., Bender, C.
- Not Mixed-Mode but Switch-Mode; 2008; Höglinger, M., Abraham, M., Arpagaus, J.
- The Impact of Cognitive and Computer Skills on Data...; 2008; Brecko, B. N., Vehovar, V.
- Optimal Contact Strategy in a Mail-and-Web Mixed Mode...; 2008; Holmberg, A., Lorenc, B., Werner, P.
- 10 Years of Success in the Collection...; 2008; Weyergraf, O.
- Self-selection in Online Access Panels: No “...; 2008; Wirth, T.
- Mobile Market Research; 2008; Maxl, E.
- Online vs. Offline in Mobile Surveys; 2008; Neubarth, W., Maier, U.
- Gender-of-Interviewer Effects in Video-Enhanced Web...; 2008; Fuchs, M.
- The Online Use of Randomized Response Measurements; 2008; Snijders, C., Weesie, J.
- The Influence of Human Cues on Drop-out and Answer...; 2008; Oesterlau, T., Geißler, H.
- “For Example…,” How Different Example...; 2008; Berent, M., Krosnick, J. A.